
Showing posts from April, 2021

Executive Assistant & Business Support - First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) Jakarta Raya, Indonesia

The UAE’s largest bank and one of the world’s largest and safest financial institutions is growing its global presence. As a result of FAB’s international expansion, we're looking to attract and retain the best talent, from Egypt to Hong Kong, from Sao Paulo to Geneva and everywhere in between. We recognize the difference our people bring to the business and #growstronger together. Job Title: Executive Assistant & Business Support Department: Business Support Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Job Purpose: The role is responsible for providing executive support to the Chief Representative, Indonesia overseeing facilities management, general office administration, staff travel management and staff expense claims for the Representative office. The Executive Assistant serves as the primary point of contact for internal and external parties on all matters pertaining to Representative Office, Indonesia. The role also involves planning, organizing and coordinating administrative functions...

VP, Financial Analysis - First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

FAB , the UAE’s largest bank and one of the world’s largest financial institutions offers a an extensive range of tailor-made solutions, and products and services, to provide a customised banking experience. Through its strategic offerings, it looks to meet the banking needs of customers across the world via its market-leading Corporate and Investment Banking and Personal Banking franchises.    Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, in Khalifa Business Park, the bank’s international network spans over 19 countries, across the world, providing the global relationships, expertise and financial strength to support local, regional and international businesses seeking to do business at home and abroad. In line with its commitment to put customers first, to Grow Stronger, FAB will continually invest in people and technology to create the most customer-friendly banking experience and will support the growth ambitions of its stakeholders across the global network in which the bank operates....


BAHAN : 200 gr margarin 30 gr gula halus 1 butir kuning telur 350 gr tepung terigu 20 gr tepung maizena 10 gr bubuk susu TOPPING : Choco stick Chocolate chip Choco Stick Cookies, resep by @dapur.shanty__6 CARA MEMBUAT : Siapkan loyang dialasin kertas baking/ oles mentega tipis sisihkan Siapkan choco stick lalu potong jadi 2 sisihkan Campur margarin, gula halus, kuning telur aduk pake whisk sampai lembut lalu masukkan tepung yang sudah di ayak sercara bertahap sampai rata, bulatkan lalu gilas adonannya lebkur 3-5cm atau di beri alas plastik biar tidak lengket, kemudian rapikan pinggirnya dan tata choco stick di atasnya  Susun di loyang lalu beri topping Oven 160'C 25-30mnt atau sampai matang Angkat dinginkan lalu simpan dalam toples, sajikan

Katsu Menchi Keju

BAHAN - BAHAN : 1 sdm mentega tawar 1/2 buah bawang bombay 300 gr daging cincang 1 btr telur 4 lbr keju 1 btr telur kocok (untuk bahan kulit) Sasa Tepung Bumbu Serbaguna secukupnya Tepung roti secukupnya garam dan blackpepper secukupnya Katsu Menchi Keju, Resep by Kreasi Sasa   CARA MEMBUAT : Panaskan mentega hingga leleh lalu tumis bawang bombay hingga berwarna coklat dan layu, dinginkan. Campur semua bahan adonan (kecuali keju) menjadi satu hingga tercampur rata. Bagi adonan daging menjadi 4 bagian. Masukan satu keju lembar yang sudah dipotong menjadi 4 bagian lalu masukan ke dalam masing-masing adonan daging. Bentuk daging jangan terlalu tebal ya Balur daging dengan Sasa Tepung Bumbu Serbaguna, lalu celupkan ke dalam telur dan balur dengan tepung roti. Panaskan minyak goreng lalu goreng daging hingga matang. Tiriskan dan sajikan dengan pelengkapnya.

Career Opportunities: Functional Consultant Analyst - PT. Metrodata Electronics Tbk

PT. Metrodata Electronics Tbk , known as Metrodata Group, is the leading information communication technology (ICT) companies in Indonesia. On 14 February 1990, Metrodata Group launched its Initial Public Offering on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX – MTDL) to raise funds for investment and working capital as well to allow public participation in its development and growth.    With more than 40 years of experience in ICT, Metrodata Group has accompanied its customers as they’ve grown their business. Our professional employees continue to develop new innovations and ready to be challenges with the new era. We offer solutions in 8 areas: Cloud Services, Digital Business Platform, Big Data, Security, Business Application, Hybrid IT infrastructure, Consulting & Advisory Services, and Managed services. PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk has also been certified ISO 9001:2015.    As prove, Metrodata Group has received number of awards and recognitions for its accomplishments...

People and Culture Officer (TIMIKA) - G4S Papua, Indonesia

G4S is the world’s leading global, integrated security company, specialising in the provision of security services and solutions to customers. Our mission is to create material, sustainable value for our customers and shareholders by being the supply partner of choice in all our markets. G4S is quoted on the London Stock Exchange and has a secondary stock exchange listing in Copenhagen. After taking account of the businesses being sold in the year, G4S is active in around 85 countries and has around 533,000 employees. For more information on G4S, visit JOB DESCRIPTION Recruitment Conduct manpower planning and analyze manpower cost Monitor and fulfill manpower needs collaborate with Recruitment in Head Office Manage and maintain recruitment database and reports Provide agreement for new hire Manage Induction and evaluation for new hire Update staff database Talent Sourcing Lead panel interview promotion, rotation and demotion Training & Development Prepare the course m...

Platform and Network Security Specialist - PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk, BSD, Tangerang

PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk is one of the leading telecommunication service provider in Indonesia for the retail and corporate segments. Smartfren began operating in Indonesia since 2011. In 2015 Smartfren innovate with the launch of 4G LTE Advanced services in Indonesia as well as a leading 4G operator that has the widest coverage of 4G LTE in Indonesia today. Smartfren proudly presents the New Super 4G Unlimited for Indonesian Millennials! #GoUnlimited Requirement Required language(s): English At least 3 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Operating System administrator and security hardening especially *Nix O/S Networking and Network security Programming or scripting languages (bash, power shell, Python) Placement will be in BSD, Tangerang area    Responsibilities Conduct security configuration and vulnerability assessment on servers and network devices Define firewall rules as netwo...


Bahan - bahan : 100 gr  SUPER BIHUN ROSE BRAND (direndam air dingin) 2 btr Telur 5 gr Daun bawang (iris tipis) 5 buah Jamur kancing 5 buah Tomat cerry 1 siung Bawang putih (cincang kasar) 50 gr Keju mozarella 1 jumput Garam 1 jumput Merica bubuk 1 jumput Penyedap rasa ayam MINYAK ROSE BRAND untuk menggoreng Pizza Bihun, Resep by Rose Brand Cara Memasak Kocok telur masukan bihun dan bahan bumbu aduk hingga rata Tuang di dalam penggorengan yang sudah panas, diamkan hingga agak kering Taruh jamur, tomat cery, bawang putih dan keju diatas adonan telur bihun, tutup penggorengan hingga keju melumer Siap di sajikan dengan sauce tomat dan saus sambal

Senior Auditor - PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk, HQ Sabang, Jakarta

PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk is one of the leading telecommunication service provider in Indonesia for the retail and corporate segments. Smartfren began operating in Indonesia since 2011. In 2015 Smartfren innovate with the launch of 4G LTE Advanced services in Indonesia as well as a leading 4G operator that has the widest coverage of 4G LTE in Indonesia today. Smartfren proudly presents the New Super 4G Unlimited for Indonesian Millennials! #GoUnlimited Requirement Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Economics. At least 5 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Required Skill(s): Accounting, Auditing. Maximum Age: 35. Specific Skills / Certifications : Certifications: CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), CPA (Certified Public Accountant), and/or CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner) is an advantage.    Responsibilities Perform a risk-based and consultative audit, but not limited to ...

HSES Advisor - McDermott International, Ltd, ID-Riau Islands-Batam

McDermott is a premier, fully-integrated provider of engineering and construction solutions to the energy industry. Our customers trust our technology-driven approach to design and build infrastructure solutions to responsibly transport and transform oil and gas into the products the world needs today. From concept to commissioning, our expertise and comprehensive solutions deliver certainty, innovation and added value to energy projects around the world. It is called the “One McDermott Way.” Operating in over 54 countries, McDermott’s locally-focused and globally-integrated resources include approximately 40,000 employees, a diversified fleet of specialty marine construction vessels and fabrication facilities around the world. To learn more, visit Job Overview: Provide supporting role to HSES Supervisors and HSES Coordinator/Manager in the performance of their functions. Monitoring HSES Procedures implemented in the worksite, assisting in incident investigation an...

Digibank Operations Manager - DBS Bank, Indonesia

DBS , a leading financial services group headquartered in Singapore, operates across 18 markets. We are an Asia-centric commercial bank focused on harnessing the region’s long-term potential as the centre of economic gravity shifts eastwards to Asia. A frontrunner in digital transformation, we seek to deliver a new kind of banking that is so simple, seamless and invisible, that customers have more time to spend on the people or things they care about. At DBS, we are also a strong advocate of building a sustainable future. Working with partners, we empower people to live larger than themselves.    We create avenues that encourage our customers to live socially-conscious; establish platforms to help social entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life; and provide the next generation with opportunities to develop innovative solutions that address sustainability issues. We are distinct from local lenders or global players. As an Asian specialist and a leader in digital transformation, ...

Credit Risk and Portfolio Management Head - DBS Bank, Indonesia

DBS , a leading financial services group headquartered in Singapore, operates across 18 markets. We are an Asia-centric commercial bank focused on harnessing the region’s long-term potential as the centre of economic gravity shifts eastwards to Asia. A frontrunner in digital transformation, we seek to deliver a new kind of banking that is so simple, seamless and invisible, that customers have more time to spend on the people or things they care about. At DBS, we are also a strong advocate of building a sustainable future. Working with partners, we empower people to live larger than themselves.    We create avenues that encourage our customers to live socially-conscious; establish platforms to help social entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life; and provide the next generation with opportunities to develop innovative solutions that address sustainability issues. We are distinct from local lenders or global players. As an Asian specialist and a leader in digital transformation,...


Bahan-bahan: - 2 ikat bayam, pilih yang daunnya lebar - 250 gr tepung beras - 50 ml air - 2 sdm santan kental - 500 ml minyak goreng - Penyedap rasa (bila perlu) Bumbu halus: - 5 siung bawang putih - 1 sdt ketumbar biji - 1 sdt garam Keripik Bayam, Resep by Yoenita Anggraini Cara membuat: Siapkan daun bayam, yang sudah dicuci bersih, tiriskan Campur tepung beras dan bumbu halus, santan, air sedikit demi sedikit. Aduk rata, cek kekentalannya, bila sudah pas, hentikan memberi air Panaskan minyak goreng, celupkan tiap lembar daun bayam ke dalam adonan tepung Masukkan ke dalam minyak goreng panas, goreng hingga matang dan kering Tiriskan dan sajikan.


Bahan :⁣⁣ 2 buah timun kecil⁣⁣ 1 sdm sirup melon (bisa diganti sirup leci/lemon/jeruk nipis)⁣⁣ 500 ml air⁣⁣ Selasih⁣⁣ Es batu⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Es Timun Selasih, Resep by Dapur Panda Merah (Ig)  Cara membuat :⁣⁣ - Parut timun, aduk jadi satu bersama selasih, sirup melon, air, es batu⁣⁣ - Sajikan dingin.


Bahan : 1 ekor ayam (750 gram) yang sudah dibersihkan 1 iris lengkuas 1 batang serai ambil bagian putihnya, geprek 1 lembar daun salam 1 sdm gula merah (sesuaikan selera) 1 sdt garam 1 gelas air matang Sambal Tomat : 100 gr cabe merah besar 5 biji cabe rawit (sesuaikan selera pedas) 50 gr bawang merah 4 siung bawang putih 50 gr tomat 1 sdt terasi bakar Minyak goreng secukupnya Ayam Panggang Sambal Tomat, by @dapurdaniar Cara Membuat : Goreng bahan sambel sampai layu, kemudian haluskan dengan blender. Masukkan kembali kedalam wajan bekas menggoreng, tambahkan minyak goreng bila perlu, tambahkan lengkuas, salam dan serai. Masukkan potongan ayam, aduk rata tambahkan garam dan gula merah, masukkan air, tutup wajan ungkep sampai agak asat, matikan wajan. Biarkan ayam dingin. Pindahkan ayam kedalam loyang, panggang dalam oven yqng sudah dipanaskan suhu 190 derajat, panggang selama 25 menit.


BAHAN - BAHAN : 1 Kepala Ikan Kakap 2 pack Sasa Santan Cair 200ml 3 lbr daun salam - remas 1 lbr daun kunyit - ikat sampul 6 lbr daun jeruk - remas 3 buah asam kandis 3 btg sereh - memarkan 1 cabai merah - utuh 1,5 ltr air 1 sdt garam 1 sdt lada 1 sdt gula 10 cabai merah keriting 9 siung bawang merah 5 siung bawang putih 1 sdt ketumbar 4 cm kunyit 4 cm lengkuas Gulai Kepala Ikan, Resep by   CARA MEMBUAT : Panaskan minyak Masukan bumbu halus (cabai merah keriting, bawang merah, bawang putih, kunyit, lengkuas) - masak hingga bumbu matang Masukan daun salam, daun kunyit, daun jeruk - tumis hingga harum Masukan air secukupnya Masukan garam, lada putih, gula - masak hingga mendidih Masukan kepala ikan - masak sampai setengah matang Tuangkan SASA Santan Cair 200ml hingga habis - masak hingga mendidih dan kepala ikan matang


Bahan: 100 gram butter 50 gram margarin 120 gram gula halus 1 butir kuning telur 225 gram tepung kunci 20 gram susu bubuk 20 gram maizena 1/2 sdt baking powder Bahan baluran : 50 gr keju parut 1 putih telur Filling : selai strawberry    Strawberry Thumbprint Cookies, by @carolinelc88 & @tintinrayner Cara membuat: Kocok butter, margarin, gula halus sampai pucat, tambahkan kuning telur, kocok rata Masukkan tepung terigu, maizena, susu bubuk, BP, aduk rata pakai spatula Bulatkan adonan, celup di putih telur, gulingkan ke parutan keju  Taruh diatas loyang, tekan tengahnya pakai jempol hingga membentuk cekungan Oven 160 derajat 15 menit keluarkan tunggu hangat,  Isi tengahnya dengan filling strawberry pake pipinbag, panggang lagi di oven suhu 150' sampai matang hingga berwarna keemasan dan renyah sesuaikan dengan oven masing-masing


Bahan :⁣ 80 tepung ketan⁣ 60 ml air⁣ ⁣ Cara membuat :⁣ Campurkan semua bahan di atas uleni bulat-bulat⁣ ⁣ Saus gula merah :⁣ 150 gula merah 150 ml air⁣ 1 daun pandan simpul⁣ 3 sdt tepung beras + sedikit air aduk rata⁣ ⁣ Cara membuat :⁣ 1. Panaskan air masukkan daun pandan dan gula merah masak hingga mendidih. ⁣ 2. Masukkan tepung beras aduk rata hingga kuah sedikit mengental.⁣ ⁣ Krimer :⁣ 100 ml air⁣ 1 lembar daun pandan simpul ⁣ 4 sdm FiberCreme ⁣ Sedikit garam ⁣ 1 sdt tepung beras⁣ ⁣ Cara membuat :⁣ Panaskan 100 ml air masukkan daun pandan, FiberCreme dan garam aduk rata terakhir masukkan tepung beras.⁣ ⁣   Bubur Candil Sumsum, by dada.tastes BUBUR SUMSUM ⁣ Bahan :⁣ 100 grm tepung beras⁣ 1/2 sdm tepung sagu ⁣ 1 lembar daun pandan simpul⁣ 4 sdm FiberCreme ⁣ 630 ml air ⁣ Sedikit garam⁣ ⁣ Cara membuat :⁣ 1.Campurkan semua bahan di atas di dalam mangkok aduk rata saringkan, kemudian masak dengan daun pandan sambil di whisk hingga mengental licin menjadi bubur. ⁣ 2. Siap di sajikan b...


Bahan : 3 sdm tepung ketan 150 ml air Cara : Campurkan semua bahan di atas uleni bentuk bulat-bulat seperti bola Kuah merah : 100 grm gula melaka 150 ml air 2 lbr daun pandan 2 sdt tepung beras Bubur Candil Asia by @dada.tastes   Cara : 1. Panaskan 150 ml air masukkan daun pandan dan gula melaka masak hingga mendidih. 2. Masukkan bola candil Masak hingga mengapung matang 3. Masukkan tepung beras sambil di aduk-aduk hingga kuah sedikit mengental. Kuah krimer : 300 ml air 1 lbr daun pandan 4 sdm Fiber Creme Sedikit garam 1 sdt tepung beras Cara : Panaskan 300 ml air masukkan daun pandan, 4 sdm Fiber Creme dan garam aduk rata dan terakhir masukkan 1 sdt tepung beras.


Bahan: - Buah blewah - Kolang kaling, rebus kurang lebih 15 menit - Jeruk kunci, peras - Sirup rasa sesuai selera - Selasih secukupnya - Air secukupnya - Es batu Es Jeruk Blewah Kolang Kaling Cara membuat: 1. Kerok buah blewah. 2. Masukkan kolang kaling dalam wadah bersama blewah. 3. Beri perasan jeruk. 4. Campurkan dengan air dan tambahkan es batu 5. Siap dinikmati.


BAHAN CENDOL :⁣ 100 grm Tepung Beras ⁣ 500 ml Air ⁣ 1 bungkus Nutrijel Tanpa Rasa ⁣ Secukupnya Pewarna Makanan ⁣ Secukupnya Air Es⁣ ⁣ Cara Membuat : ⁣ Campurkan semua bahan jadi satu, aduk rata. ⁣ Masak diatas api kecil hingga kental dan licin, angkat⁣ Masukan kedalam plastik segitiga ⁣ Masukan cendol kedalam air es dengan cara menekan cendol yang ada didalam plastik segitiga. (jika ada cetakan cendol itu lebih baik ya) ⁣ Biarkan cendol hingga benar2 setel. Kemudian saring. ⁣ BAHAN GULA MERAH :⁣ 180 grm Gula Merah ⁣ 20 grm Gula Putih⁣ 1 sdt Vanili ⁣ 1 ikat daun pandan ⁣ 50 grm Nangka cincang/blender⁣ 300 ml air ⁣ 2 sdm Tepung Maizena, cairkan dengan air⁣ ⁣ Cara Membuat : Campurkan semua bahan kecuali tepung maizena. Masak dengan api kecil, tambahkan cairan tepung maizena, aduk hingga mengental. Angkat. Sisihkan⁣ ⁣ BAHAN SANTAN :⁣ 200 grm Santan Kara ⁣ 300 grm Air⁣ 50 grm Susu Kental Manis (boleh ditambahkan sesuai selera lidah untuk tingkat kemanisan)⁣ 1 sdt Garam ⁣ 1 ikat Daun Panda...

MC Mechanical Technician - McDermott International, Ltd, Riau Island, Batam, Indonesia

MC Mechanical Technician - (2101261) Job Overview: As MC Mechanical Technician to Support MC Mechanical Completion activities at TYRA TEG Project. Key Responsibilities/Accountabilities: Execution of leak test, chemical cleaning and pneumatic testing as per project requirement. Conducting line walks and pre-system/ sub-system completions checks. Assisting the Vendor as required for a particular test requirement. Preparation of required materials, tools and consumables for commissioning testing activities. Confirmation of red-line mark-up drawings are readily available for site use. Utilization of calibrated/ certified test equipment. High standard of safe working practice, quality and productivity as well as compliance with the code of business conducts. Basic Qualifications: Understanding of Mechanical equipment installation, ability to read drawings and hands on problem solving, handy with digital work environment. Experience with Mechanical equipment inspection and preservation. Min...