5 Basic Facts About Health Insurance Policies In A Bad Economy

Many health insurance plans have specific exclusions that eliminate your benefits for anything that could have been covered under Workers Compensation or similar laws. Now read that last sentence again. 1. DOES YOUR PLAN COVER YOU ON AND OFF THE JOB? Many health insurance plans have specific exclusions that eliminate your benefits for anything that could have been covered under Workers Compensation or similar laws. Now read that last sentence again. COULD HAVE BEEN COVERED!? That is correct. Most self employed people and even some small business owners do not carry Workers Comp on themselves. There are designed insurance plans that will cover you on and off the job — 24-hours a day, if you are not required by law to have Workers Compensation coverage. 2. ARE YOU WRITING IT OFF? Independent contractors (1099's), home based business owners, professionals and other self employed people generally are not taking advantages of the tax laws available to them. ...