
Showing posts from July, 2023

Surgeryzen Plastic Surgery Template

Surgeryzen is a fantastic Plastic Surgery Template that has all the necessary features and functionality so you can quickly launch a fantastic website. It is perfectly suited for doctors, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, plastic surgeons, and other medical professionals. This design is a lovely option for creating a website, and you will enjoy the simplicity it offers. Selecting a comprehensive solution is essential for any dermatology website. Surgeryzen is undoubtedly one of these solutions. It was created with CSS3 and HTML5.     DEMO   Surgeryzen is a fantastic Plastic Surgery Template that has all the necessary features and functionality so you can quickly launch a fantastic website. It is perfectly suited for doctors, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, plastic surgeons, and other medical professionals. This design is a lovely option for creating a website, and you will enjoy the simplicity it offers. Selecting a comprehensive solution is essential for any dermat...

Farmevo โ€“ Agriculture Equipment Template

Farmevo is a template for Agriculture Equipment that has been expertly created. This template is retina-ready, cross-browser compatible, and completely responsive. Farmevo is a pleasure to use because it is really easy to maintain and is easily configurable. It offers you a useful key to create a user-friendly website that reflects whatever you want. Additionally, it gives you the chance to draw in and impress your clients using a variety of browsers and devices. With the assistance of customized CSS and JS integration, you can quickly alter the theme's look and add your own unique functionality. The RTL support is there to improve how your website looks overall.     DEMO   Farmevo is a template for Agriculture Equipment that has been expertly created. This template is retina-ready, cross-browser compatible, and completely responsive. Farmevo is a pleasure to use because it is really easy to maintain and is easily configurable. It offers you a useful key to create a ...

Civil Engineer PT Triguna Internusa Pratama ยท Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia

Awal tahun 2003 adalah titik sejarah dimulainya perjalanan PT Triguna Internusa Pratama (TIP) dalam bisnis investasi infrastruktur gas di Indonesia, yaitu dengan mengakuisisi jalur pipa gas di Tambun โ€“ Tegal Gede, Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Selanjutnya, investasi TIP mulai merambah bidang-bidang usaha lainnya; yaitu sektor energi dan utilitas - antara lain, penyediaan dan pengoperasian fasilitas kompresor gas, fasilitas produksi gas, penyediaan jasa operasi dan perawatan (O&M) pipa minyak dan gas bumi serta geothermal plant, hingga penyediaan fasilitas air bersih (SPAM). Cakupan wilayah kerja dan ekspansi bisnisnya pun telah menjangkau berbagai wilayah di Indonesia seperti Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur, Banten, Jambi, dan Riau.   TIP adalah anak perusahaan dari PT Rukun Raharja Tbk. Perusahaan induk yang mengembangkan bisnisnya menjadi penyedia energi hulu-ke-hilir yang terintegrasi, yang berfokus pada empat pilar bisnis utama, yaitu infrastruktur migas, perdagangan gas, pembangkit listrik, ...

Contract - Universal Banker (Jakarta) - Resident

Citibank N.A.,Indonesia (Citi Indonesia) adalah kantor cabang dari Citibank N.A., anak perusahaan yang dimiliki secara penuh oleh Citigroup, Inc., yang berasal dari New York, Amerika Serikat. Citi adalah mitra perbankan terkemuka untuk lembaga dengan kebutuhan lintas batas, pemimpin global dalam manajemen kekayaan serta layanan perbankan personal di Amerika Serikat. Citi menjalankan bisnisnya di hampir 160 negara dan yurisdiksi, menyediakan beragam produk dan layanan keuangan bagi perusahaan, pemerintah, investor, lembaga, dan individu. Di Indonesia, Citi telah berdiri sejak 1968 dan merupakan salah satu bank berjaringan internasional terbesar di negara ini. Citi mengoperasikan 9 cabang di enam kota besar โ€“ Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Medan, dan Denpasar. Di Indonesia, Citi memiliki jaringan distribusi korporasi sekitar 776 lokasi di 38 provinsi. Citibank N.A., Indonesia tersambung dalam jaringan ATM Bersama dengan lebih dari 77.000 terminal ATM yang tersebar di berbagai lok...


Chicha Koeswoyo bisa dikatakan sebagai penyanyi cilik pertama yang membuat album rekaman di Indonesia. Keberhasilannya menjadikan pelopor bagi penyanyi cilik lainnya pada masa itu seperti Adi Bing Slamet, Yoan Tanamal, Ira Maya Sopha, Dina Mariana, Diana Papilaya, Vien Is Haryanto, Bobby Sandhora, Debbie Rhoma Irama, Santi Sardi, Nourma Yunita, Liza Tanzil, Sandra Dewi, Fitria Elvie Sukaesih, Puput Novel, Facrul Rozi, Iyut Bing Slamet, dsb. Jejaknya ini diikuti pula oleh adik kandungnya Hellen Koeswoyo dan sepupunya Sari Yok Koeswoyo. 

FILM JADUL - GADIS | 1980 | Dewi Yull, Titiek Puspa

Bu Titik (Titiek Puspa) dengan anaknya pergi dari rumah suaminya, seorang pejabat yang tergila-gila perempuan lain. Mereka menjadi buruh cuci pada keluarga-keluarga bangsawan. Kesengsaraan ini bertambah ketika cucian mereka dicuri orang hingga anaknya, Gadis (Dewi Yull), harus jadi budak di rumah bangsawan Renggo (Deddy Sutomo) yang pakaiannya mereka hilangkan. Di sini gadis bertemu dengan Jaka (Ray Sahetapy), yang baru lulus Mosvia dan ditugaskan di daerah itu. Kisah cinta ini tak berjalan lancar, apalagi dengan latar belakang penggusuran sebuah desa yang dilakukan Renggo demi memenuhi tuntutan direktur perkebunan yang ingin meluaskan tanahnya. Pacar Jaka, Rini (Cici Gamiarsi) hamil dengan sahabat Jaka, Andi (Andi C. Yunus). Pada saat Jaka dan Andi ingin membawa lari Rini, rakyat desa yang digusur menyerbu rumah Renggo. Andi terbunuh di jalan. Rini mendatangi Gadis dan menyatakan bahwa Jaka berjanji pada Andi untuk menikahinya. Gadis mengalah. Ternyata itu akal-akalan Rini untuk menye...

Mungkinkah Kau Kembali - Merry Andani | Pop Mandarin 1995 | Blackboard


7 Romantic Vacation Spots You Should Think About

It can be exciting and stressful to plan a special trip for your significant other. It can be difficult to know exactly where to go and what to do. One of the finest methods to select a holiday destination is to take your partner's hobbies into account. Do they wish to experience a city renowned for its cuisine because they are foodies? Do they prefer to travel somewhere serene and temporarily abandon themselves? You should plan some of the most romantic vacation spots for you and your lover right now. 1. Indonesia's Bali Southeast Asian island of Bali is breathtaking. It is a well-liked romantic getaway location for couples seeking to unwind, de-stress, and enjoy a memorable experience. This island is a fantastic destination thanks to its unspoiled beaches, luxuriant jungles, historic temples, and dynamic culture. Couples have endless opportunity to make memories thanks to the country's tropical environment, fascinating culture, and breathtaking scenery, which includes ter...

A Synopsis of Hypnosis's Past

There is proof of hypnotic-like occurrences in numerous ancient societies. When the author of Genesis claims that God put Adam "into a deep sleep" so that He might remove his rib and construct Eve, it is clear that he is familiar with the anesthetic potential of hypnosis. According to other historical accounts, the Delphic Oracle and ancient Egyptian rituals both included hypnosis (Hughes and Rothovius, 1996). The history of hypnosis as we know it now began in the late 1700s, when a French physician named Anton Mesmer rekindled interest in the subject. Franz Anton Mesmer was born in Vienna in 1734 and died in 1815. Hypnosis is credited to Mesmer as its founder. He is known for coining the term "mesmerism," which described the method of putting someone into a trance by repeatedly passing his hands or magnets over them. He used the animal magnetism (psychic and electromagnetic forces) of the subject. Despite his tremendous success in healing a number of illnesses, the...

True Mag Magazine Blogger Template v2.0

The masterpiece version of the True Mag Magazine blogger template has been released. The greatest and highest-quality newspaper/magazine blogger template for the Blogspot platform is True Mag Newspaper Template. We previously released the News52 blogger template, which was another news template. True Mag is comparable to News52. The greatest blogger template magazine in our entire catalog is real mag. For any business or professional news site and magazine blog, we enhance the professionalism of this template. This template is simple and straightforward to modify. True Mag will be ideal for your newspaper website at this time if you're hunting for a premium and expert blogger template magazine. A highly regarded magazine template is True Mag.   DEMO     We added some imaginative and modern layouts to this template. Your blog becomes more professional as a result. True Mag has excellent newspaper or magazine website optimization. There are ten or more original recent post...

Telur Balado Kemangi

Bahan Yang Disiapkan: 5 butir telur ayam 5 siung bawang merah 3 siung bawang putih Kemangi (Sesuai selera) 1 buah tomat (Opsional) 10 buah Cabai merah keriting 5 buah Cabai rawit 1 sdm terasi Gula Merah secukupnya Garam secukupnya Bumbu Kaldu secukupnya Minyak untuk menumis   Cara Membuat: Rebus telur, kemudian kupas kulitnya dan goreng sebentar Haluskan bawang putih, bawang merah, Cabai. Tumis dan masukkan telur, tambahkan gula merah, garam, dan bubuk Kaldu ayam serta kemangi. Masak beberapa menit dan koreksi Siap disajikan

Ayam Goreng Penyet

Ayam goreng penyet adalah hidangan Ayam goreng Indonesia, khususnya Jawa, yang terdiri dari ayam goreng yang diulek memakai ulekan untuk melembutkannya, disajikan dengan sambal, potongan-potongan timun, tahu goreng dan tempe. Varian ayam penyet paling populer adalah ayam penyet Suroboyo. Bahan yang disiapkan: 1 ekor (900 g) Ayam potong 4 bagian 1 bungkus (25 g) Royco Bumbu komplit Ayam Goreng 800 ml air kelapa minyak goreng kol tomat timun 2 buah cabai merah 5 buah cabai rawit merah segar 3 butir bawang merah 2 siung bawang putih 3 buah kemiri sangrai 2 buah tomat merah iris - iris 1 sdt terasi goreng 1 sdt garam Ayam Goreng Penyet, Resep by Royco Cara Membuat: Rebus ayam, Royco Bumbu Komplit Ayam Goreng, air kelapa, di atas api sedang. Masak hingga ayam empuk, matang, dan kuah meresap. Angkat. Goreng ayam dalam minyak yang banyak dan panas, di atas api besar, hingga matang dan berwarna keemasan. Angkat, tiriskan. Goreng bahan sambal. Angkat, langsung haluskan. Letakkan ayam gore...

Director of Event Management Westin Hotels & Resorts Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia

Hotel Westin adalah salah satu produk hotel yang berada dibawah naungan perusahaan perhotelan Starwood Hotels & Resorts dari Amerika Serikat. Westin memiliki 215 hotel di 39 negara dan sebagian besar, yaitu sebanyak 105 hotel berada di Amerika Serikat. Hotel Westin dikenal dengan produk Heavenly Bedยฎ dan Heavenly Bathยฎ yang tidak hanya ada di setiap hotel tetapi dijual juga di situs webnya. Selain itu, pada 2008 Westin bekerja sama dengan SuperFoods Partners LLC menyajikan menu SuperFoods Rxโ„ข. SuperFoods Rxโ„ข memadukan beberapa bahan makanan sehingga nutrisi dari menu tersebut dapat dimaksimalkan. Konsep tersebut dikenal dengan "sinergi makanan". JOB SUMMARY Responsible for the management of Special Events. Leads, implements, and maintains a management philosophy in alignment with company standards The position has overall responsibility for ensuring the proper execution of special events as well as achieving profitability, event planner and employee satisfaction and the...

Wedding Dress Shop for Bridals Template

Wedding Dress Shop for Bridals Template . Creating a website using templates is easier than ever with this Template builder. Especially with the designs, curating new ideas and designing them gets more fun, simple and smooth. So, if you are looking forward to building unique designs just the way you want, this is the place to be. Start creating out-of-the-box standard code free templates in a breeze with a variety of options. DEMO Wedding Dress Shop for Bridals Template . Creating a website using templates is easier than ever with this Template builder. Especially with the designs, curating new ideas and designing them gets more fun, simple and smooth. So, if you are looking forward to building unique designs just the way you want, this is the place to be. Start creating out-of-the-box standard code free templates in a breeze with a variety of options.

Datacenter Engineering Senior Architect โ€“ APAC (South East Asia) Microsoft Indonesia (Jarak Jauh)

Microsoft Cloud Operations and Innovation (CO&I) is the team behind the cloud. Within CO&I, the Datacenter Engineering (DCE) team is responsible for delivering core datacenter infrastructure for Microsoftโ€™s cloud business. The MS portfolio consists of complex, multi-disciplinary, large scale, multi-year datacenter construction and lease projects. We are looking for a passionate, high-energy individual to help build the cloud datacenters that power the worldโ€™s largest online services. In alignment with our Microsoft values, we are committed to cultivating an inclusive work environment for all employees to positively impact our culture every day. Responsibilities:   The successful candidate will be able to drive the design of all aspects of the Data Centre infrastructure effectively and efficiently during design stages and address any design-related issues that arise during construction for all Microsoft datacenters/co-location facilities in the APAC region. The successful...

Critical Environment Technician Microsoft Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia

Every company has a mission. What's ours? To empower every person and every organization to achieve more. We believe technology can and should be a force for good and that meaningful innovation contributes to a brighter world in the future and today. Our culture doesnโ€™t just encourage curiosity; it embraces it. Each day we make progress together by showing up as our authentic selves. We show up with a learn-it-all mentality. We show up cheering on others, knowing their success doesn't diminish our own. We show up every day open to learning our own biases, changing our behavior, and inviting in differences. When we show up, we achieve more together. Microsoft operates in 190 countries and is made up of more than 220,000 passionate employees worldwide. As a Critical Environment Technician (CET) in Microsoftโ€™s Cloud Operations & Innovation (CO+I) team, you will maintain the critical infrastructure that keeps our Datacenters up and running. This could be anything from coordina...

Territory Sales - Convergence Maros Sulawesi Selatan

PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL Axiata) , sebelumnya dikenal sebagai PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk., adalah penyedia layanan seluler paling agresif dan inovatif di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini merupakan bagian dari Axiata Group, grup telco terkemuka yang memiliki 9 provider telco yang berada di 9 negara di Asia. XL menyediakan layanan telekomunikasi nirkabel, leased line dan layanan korporat, yang mencakup layanan Internet Service Provider (ISP) dan Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Selain itu, ia menyediakan layanan jaringan Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), suara, data, generasi ketiga (3G) dan layanan telekomunikasi seluler bernilai tambah lainnya. Perseroan juga menyediakan layanan yang memungkinkan pelanggannya untuk membeli isi ulang voucher elektronik di semua pusat dan outletnya, anjungan tunai mandiri (ATM) dari berbagai bank besar dan melalui pusat panggilannya. Anak perusahaannya yang bergerak di bidang keuangan antara lain Excel Phoneloan 818 B.V., GSM One (L) Limited, GSM ...

Cricket Training Academy Template

Cricket Training Academy Template , With this template generator, employing templates to create a website is simpler than ever. Curating new ideas and developing them becomes more enjoyable, straightforward, and seamless, especially with the designs. So, if you want to create original designs exactly how you want them, this is the place to be. With a range of options, you can easily start building templates that are standard code free out of the box.   DEMO Cricket Training Academy Template , With this template generator, employing templates to create a website is simpler than ever. Curating new ideas and developing them becomes more enjoyable, straightforward, and seamless, especially with the designs. So, if you want to create original designs exactly how you want them, this is the place to be. With a range of options, you can easily start building templates that are standard code free out of the box. Cricket Training Academy Template , With this template generator, employ...

Shoestor โ€“ Shoes, Footwear Store Template

Utilize Template to move your shoes and clothing store online. This template has a contemporary, refined, and clean web design that will pique interest. The retina-ready and responsive display. The Shoestor template looks great on desktop computers, iPhones, iPads, smartphones, and tablets. You get cross-browser compatibility, support for several languages, coloring options, social share buttons, custom favicons, YouTube & custom video integration, RTL support, payment gateway compatibility, a photo gallery, SEO optimization, speed optimization, grid layout, and more. Your design customization options will increase significantly.     DEMO   Utilize Template to move your shoes and clothing store online. This template has a contemporary, refined, and clean web design that will pique interest. The retina-ready and responsive display. The Shoestor template looks great on desktop computers, iPhones, iPads, smartphones, and tablets. You get cross-browser compatibility,...