

PAX Gold (PAXG) is an asset-backed token where one token represents one fine troy ounce of a London Good Delivery gold bar, stored in professional vault facilities. Anyone who owns PAXG has ownership rights to that gold under the custody of Paxos Trust Company. Since PAXG represents physical gold, its value is tied directly to the real-time market value of that physical gold. PAXG gives customers the benefits of actual physical ownership of specific gold bars with the speed and mobility of a digital asset. Customers are able to have fractional ownership of physical bars. On the Paxos platform, customers can convert their tokens to allocated gold, unallocated gold, or fiat currency (and vice versa) quickly and efficiently, reducing their exposure to settlement risk. PAXG is also available for trading on Paxos’ itBit exchange. PAXG will also be available on other crypto-asset exchanges, wallets, lending platforms and elsewhere within the crypto ecosystem.   At any time, PAXG holders...

Sate Ayam Bumbu Kacang

Bahan : 500 gr ayam fillet 4 siung bawang putih, ulek 2 sdm Kecap manis 1 buah jeruk nipis, peras Garam Merica Sedikit minyak Bahan bumbu kacang : 150 gr kacang tanah 4 siung bawang putih 4 siung bawang merah 5 buah cabe merah keriting 3 butir kemiri 1 keping gula merah 3 lembar daun jeruk Kecap manis Garam Kaldu bubuk Sate Ayam Bumbu Kacang, Resep by @riskajuliannaa   Cara membuat bumbu kacang : Goreng kacang tanah, bawang merah, bawang putih, kemiri, cabe merah dengan sedikit minyak lalu blender halus dengan sedikit air. Kemudian masak dengan diberi gula merah, daun jeruk, kecap manis, garam, kaldu bubuk, aduk rata sampai mendidih, koreksi rasa, tambahkan air bila perlu. Cara membuat sate : Ayam fillet potong dadu lalu balur dengan bawang putih, garam, merica, kucuran jeruk nipis, kecap manis, sedikit minyak, aduk rata lalu diamkan selama 30 menit. Tusuk-tusukkan ke tusuk sate lalu bakar sambil dioles kecap dan bumbu kacang, bakar sampai matang.

Cheesee Almond Crispy

Bahan: 100 gram butter 100 gram gula halus 4 putih telur (sekitar 120 gram) 250 gram terigu protein sedang/rendah 1/4 sdt garam 1/4 sdt vanila extrack Taburan: Secukupnya almond slice & keju parut Cheesee Almond Crispy, Resep by susie.agung Pelengkap: Kertas roti kuwalitas bagus agar adonan gak lengket Cara membuat: Dalam wadah campur gula halus, vanila extrack dan butter, mixer sampai lembut dan pucat, masukkan putih telur, mixer kembali sampai mengembang, matikan mixer. Ayakkan terigu yang sudah dicampur garam keatas adonan, aduk rata dengan spatula. Ambil 1 sdt adonan, tuang keatas loyang yang sudah dialasi kertas roti , bentuk bulat dan ratakan dengan bantuan punggung sendok, taburi almond & keju. Panggang dengan suhu 140-150 darcel selama 15-20 menit, angkat, dinginkan. Setelah dingin segera simpan dalam toples kedap udara.

Management Trainee - PT Solid Gold Berjangka Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia

PT Solid Gold merupakan salah satu perusahaan jasa perdagangan alternatif terkemuka yg di regulasi oleh Kementerian Perdagangan, saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk penempatan di Kantor Cabang Palembang. DOMISILI PALEMBANG DIUTAMAKAN KUALIFIKASI: 1. Pria/Wanita, usia 20- 35thn 2. Pendidikan min D3, S1 Semua Jurusan 3. Untuk yang baru lulus tahun ini (Fresh Graduate) memiliki kesempatan untuk mendaftar apabila sudah memiliki SKL (Surat Keterangan Lulus) 4. Jujur, Disiplin, Bertanggung Jawab, Memiliki Motivasi yang Tinggi, Dapat Bekerja Sama Dengan Team Silahkan drop CV dan Surat Lamaran ke: 0822-8165-7907 (Dwi)

Job Opportunity International MUN : IMUN Secretariats & IMUN Internship

International Model United Nations (IMUN) brings youth together from around the world to learn and share ideas from a diverse set of experiences and backgrounds where the Executive board, International Press and International Delegates consolidate to learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations.    At IMUN, delegates gain insight into the United Nations and the dynamics of international relations by assuming the roles of UN representatives and members of other international bodies and national cabinets. International MUN is an exciting opportunity to debate issues that confront world leaders, to draft resolutions in response to the global issues and work with others who are equally motivated and passionate about the topics of debate. The longevity and dynamic that only a conference of our size can achieve, makes IMUN one of the preeminent simulation of UN in the world.    Objectives of International MUN :  Develop deeper knowledge on c...

Executive Assistant & Business Support - First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) Jakarta Raya, Indonesia

The UAE’s largest bank and one of the world’s largest and safest financial institutions is growing its global presence. As a result of FAB’s international expansion, we're looking to attract and retain the best talent, from Egypt to Hong Kong, from Sao Paulo to Geneva and everywhere in between. We recognize the difference our people bring to the business and #growstronger together. Job Title: Executive Assistant & Business Support Department: Business Support Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Job Purpose: The role is responsible for providing executive support to the Chief Representative, Indonesia overseeing facilities management, general office administration, staff travel management and staff expense claims for the Representative office. The Executive Assistant serves as the primary point of contact for internal and external parties on all matters pertaining to Representative Office, Indonesia. The role also involves planning, organizing and coordinating administrative functions...

VP, Financial Analysis - First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

FAB , the UAE’s largest bank and one of the world’s largest financial institutions offers a an extensive range of tailor-made solutions, and products and services, to provide a customised banking experience. Through its strategic offerings, it looks to meet the banking needs of customers across the world via its market-leading Corporate and Investment Banking and Personal Banking franchises.    Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, in Khalifa Business Park, the bank’s international network spans over 19 countries, across the world, providing the global relationships, expertise and financial strength to support local, regional and international businesses seeking to do business at home and abroad. In line with its commitment to put customers first, to Grow Stronger, FAB will continually invest in people and technology to create the most customer-friendly banking experience and will support the growth ambitions of its stakeholders across the global network in which the bank operates....