
Showing posts from August, 2023

Bihun Goreng Udang

Bahan Yang Disiapkan: 2 pcs bihun Udang dan baso ikan secukupnya 3 siung bwang merah 3 siung bawang putih 1/2 batang wortel (potong korek) Kol dan buncis secukupnya 1 ikat sawi caisim 1 batang daun bawang (iris) 2 butir telur (di orak arik) Kecap asin Kecap manis Saos tiram Gula Garam Lada Bumbu Penyedap Minyak goreng Cara Memasak: Rendam bihun dengan air panas (sebentar saja), tiriskan dan tambahkan 1 sdm kecap asin aduk rata. Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih, masukan udang dan baso ikan. Aduk sebentar. Masukkan sayuran tambahkan gula, garam, lada dan penyedap, tambahkan sedikit air, lalu masukkan bihun dan telur yg sudah di orak arik. Tambahkan kecap manis dan saos tiram aduk rat. Tambahkan irisan daun bawang. Cicipi rasa, angkat dan sajikan.

Semprit Pandan Wangi

Bahan Yang Disiapkan: - 250 gr margarin - 120 gr gula halus - 2 kuning telur - 250 gr terigu protein rendah - 100 gr maizena - 30 gr susu bubuk - 1 sdt pasta pandan - Selai stroberi secukupnya Cara membuat: Mixer margarin dengan gula halus sebentar saja, masukkan kuning telur dan pasta pandan kocok rata. Masukkan campuran terigu, maizena, susu bubuk, aduk rata pakai spatula. Masukkan adonan dalam plastik segitiga, spuitkan adonan ke loyang yang sudah dialasi kertas roti. Hias atasnya dengan selai stroberi. Oven suhu 130 derajat celcius selama 30 menit atau sampai matang dan pinggiran kue sedikit kecokelatan. Setelah matang dinginkan, kemudian simpan di toples kedap udara.

Resep Mochi Kacang Wijen

Bahan Isian : 50 gr kacang tanah sangrai, haluskan 2 sdm wijen, sangrai 4 sdm gula halus 1 sdm minyak goreng Sejumput garam Air secukupnya Bahan baluran : 50 gr maizena 1 lmb daun pandan (sangrai sampai daun pandan kering) Bahan kulit Mochi : 150 gr tepung ketan 1 saset susu dancow full cream 1 sdm maizena 60 gr gula pasir 2 sdm minyak goreng 200 ml air Pewarna merah muda secukupnya   Cara membuat : Isian : campur semua bahan isian, tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit sampai bisa di pulung. Bentuk bulat sesuai selera, sisihkan. Kulit Mochi : campur semua bahan, aduk rata sampai gula larut. Saring. Kukus 15 menit, aduk rata dan kukus kembali 10 menit/ matang. Angkat dan dinginkan. Gilas kulit mochi, potong kotak2 kecil. Ambil satu kulit, beri isian kacang wijen dan bulatkan kembali. Balur dengan maizena tipis2, kemas dan siap di sajikan.

8 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Numerous investigations and studies have demonstrated that children who eat breakfast do better in school and have healthier diets. Breakfast will aid in fostering healthy development and enhancing academic achievement. Breakfast frequently suffers because of the early time pressure. Even though you might be tempted to skip breakfast, these 8 suggestions can help you streamline your daily routine: At night, finish your assignments and prepare your backpacks. Before you go to bed, decide what your kids will wear to school the next day and look for misplaced shoes. Rise 15 minutes earlier in the morning. Stop watching morning television and playing computer games. Keep wholesome foods on hand. Along with your children, you should go grocery shopping for breakfast foods, paying attention to their preferences. Place the cereal out the previous evening. For younger kids, put her share in a plastic bag with a zipper before adding the milk in the morning. Let your kids use the microwave freq...

Advice On Eating Healthily

A balanced diet is one approach to ensure that your body is in excellent health. You'll stay strong for activities you enjoy and keep a healthy weight with healthy eating. You'll also have energy throughout the day and obtain the vitamins and minerals you require. You'll discover advice for healthy eating in the sections below. 1. Never skip a meal   The best method to keep your energy levels up and your weight in check is to eat three meals a day with snacks in between. When you miss meals and are hungry, it's more probable that you'll select unhealthy items. Take food with you if you are eating out from home or know where to find nutritious cuisine. 2. Acquire knowledge of the cooking process   Try grilling, stir-frying, microwave cooking, baking, or even boiling as alternatives to deep-frying. To add flavor to your food, you should also experiment with fresh or even dried herbs and spices. Trim the fat and skin from any meat you plan to eat before you consume it...

Fruit Cocktail Recipe

Before the soup course of a meal, usually a luncheon or supper, fruit-based cocktails are frequently offered as the first course. They provide a great replacement for hefty lobster or crab-based cocktails during warm weather and can even take the place of the soup dish. Since the acids and flavors are meant to function as an appetizer, or the same purpose for which the hot and highly seasoned soups are consumed, the fruits utilized for this purpose should be the more acidic ones. Always serve fruit drinks at a very chilly temperature. Cocktail with grapefruit The drink described here can be served in stemmed glasses or in grapefruit shells. The grapefruit should be split in half between the flower and stem ends, the fruit should be removed, and the shell edges should be notched if the fruit shells are to be used. This cocktail serving strategy should only be employed when using little grapefruits because larger grapefruits would require more fruit than is appropriate for a cocktail. Gr...

Avast Secure Browser for Windows

The unique web browser Avast Secure Browser was created to offer more protection. It's important to remember the importance of protection and security when using the internet. If you're not vigilant and careful, you never know when you'll find yourself the target of malware and viruses that harm your Windows PC or exploit your data. Users of this new Avast browser now have access to features that make web browsing safer and more effective. Unique Capabilities With its integrated privacy and security features, Avast Secure Browser can protect you from a multitude of threats without sacrificing speed or dependability. This is due to the fact that it is built on the open-source project Chromium. This indicates that it offers all of Google Chrome's effectiveness and usefulness. Its graphical user interface is identical to that of the browser developed by Google. The Avast Secure Browser contains built-in privacy and security measures that are all accessible with the click ...

Diver Blogger Template

The Diver is a simple, quick-loading blogger template that gives your visitors and audience the greatest possible experience. With an improved features section and gadgets, this clever blogger template is fully optimized (such as SEO, Adsense Friendly, and Fast Loading). This blogger template features a very clean and minimalist design, support for RTL languages, and numerous other shrewd shortcodes like Post Split, Smart Buttons, and a Table of Content option. With this blogger template, you can transform your website in a variety of ways and give it a sophisticated appearance. It works well for categories like tech, news, gaming, business, entrepreneurship, personal blogging, and portfolio. The primary Google Core Web Vitals issue for this template has been resolved thanks to the superb optimization. To see the outcomes of our optimization work on this adaptable contemporary blogger template, utilize the Google Page Speed Test tool that Lighthouse has given below. You can use the GT...

A free PC game launcher from Amazon is the Amazon Games App

You may claim and play a variety of games, from the most recent releases to the oldest titles, using the Amazon Games App, a free game launcher. To fully take advantage of Prime Gaming's features, you must have a subscription. You already receive these perks at no additional cost if you have an active Amazon Prime membership. You can freely download and play a variety of PC games that are included in the Amazon Games App with your Prime membership. As the launcher's library grows over the next months, more games will be added. Amazon game. Doc. Filehippo You can freely download and play a variety of PC games that are included in the Amazon Games App with your Prime membership. As the launcher's library grows over the next months, more games will be added. The developer's portal makes it simple to download the Amazon Games App. After installing, all you need to do is log into your Amazon account to access the game hub. You can still play the games you've already clai...

McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool

The McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool is an excellent piece of free software that is only compatible with Windows and falls under the category of Software utilities, specifically the subcategory Maintenance (more precisely Cleaners). The McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool is a reasonably light tool that uses less space than the ordinary Software utilities program. India, South Africa, and the United States all make extensive use of this program.    This software has received 96,235 downloads since we introduced it to our collection in 2011; last week, it received 14 downloads. Users of Windows 2000 and earlier versions are able to download it, and it is only available in English. The software was updated on, and the most recent version is. Title: McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool for Windows Requirements:xp,2000,vista Language: English License: Free Latest update: Monday, August 21st 2023 Gate application here:

Speedily Blogger Template

The fastest blogger template is speedily . Due to the issues we've covered, website speed refers to how quickly web pages load; nevertheless, we optimize our blogger templates so that they load more quickly, are visible in browsers, and respond to user actions after a link is clicked. This term should not be confused with "perceived performance" (which may not always load first), as visitors evaluate the performance of your blogger template sites based on what they can see right away on their screens. You should always apply the tactics listed below to improve the speed and perceived performance of your blogger template sites in the browser because these two notions are distinct but equally important. Features: You may take a number of steps to enhance the functionality and user experience of your blogger site. For example, different blogger layouts can affect how quickly a page loads on your site. We'll go through how to speed test a blogger template properly and som...

A Comprehensive Look at Siamese Cats

Thailand is the home of the fascinating and sometimes enigmatic Siamese cat. They were a well-liked breed of cat that had even lived in certain royal palaces. In the past, Siamese cats were believed to ward off evil spirits from monasteries and royal castles. These felines were also believed to bring their owners good fortune. The first Siamese cats arrived in England in the year 1884 when they were presented as gifts to a British commander. Following that, they eventually traveled to America. Siamese cats are among the breeds that are most well-known today. Without a doubt, among all cat breeds, Siamese cats are among the top 3 most popular short-haired cats. Even though this breed comes in a variety of colors, some people wonder what distinguishes a cat from a true Siamese cat. These cats have traditionally been recognized for having bodies that are predominantly lighter in color with darker spots. On their bodies, the darker spots are typically seen towards the foot, tail, legs, or...

A Review Of Cat Breeds

Cats have largely taken care of their own reproduction for thousands of years. They were first employed solely for the purpose of capturing and killing rats. As time went on, we started breeding cats that we liked more. If you pay close attention, you may notice that cats today come in a variety of breeds. There are currently more than 70 different cat breeds that are recognized by cat registries. There are a few registries that only accept about 40 breeds, excluding the more tame breeds like tigers. There are several varieties as well, such as longer-haired wild cats. There are certain cat breeds with incredibly deep historical roots. Some Japanese breeds, like the Japanese Bobtail, have a history dating back more than a thousand years. Over the course of medieval Japan, these cats were quite prevalent and well-known. But in modern times, they are essentially a myth in Japan and everywhere else.   Alley cats, long-haired cats, and Persian cats are some of the more popular...

n-Track Studio 9.1.8 Build 6971 for Windows

Audio recording, editing, and mixing are difficult processes to complete, particularly without the right software solution available to handle the input. Among the programs created for these kinds of tasks, n-Track Studio aims to provide users with a very delightful experience by fusing a multitude of functions with ease of use. Straightforward, customisable GUI You'll note right away that the interface is pretty beautiful, and the well-organized layout makes it easy to access all the options. Depending on the sort of assignment you are presently working on, you can rapidly select the items that are displayed in the main window thanks to n-Track Studio's customisable view. Convert audio tracks and apply various effects You may easily develop sophisticated projects that involve multitrack mixing because it enables simultaneously recording from multiple linked sound cards. There are numerous effects that may be added to a single track, but the ability to add real-time effects and...

ClamAV AntiVirus

ClamAV AntiVirus (Clam Antivirus) is a practical antivirus toolkit made to find dangers in files and email communications. It offers you a variety of malware, trojan, and other security threat detection tools. Why using an antiviral is essential Although the Internet is a limitless source of knowledge, it also poses several security risks that can be downloaded onto your computer without your awareness. This is the reason why you need to install and regularly update an antivirus program on your computer. One software option for protecting your data and preventing viruses from accessing your files is ClamAV. Because it is designed for email servers, network administrators should use it rather than average consumers. A grouping of terminal tools for malware scans The package comes with a variety of command-line utilities that can run on-demand, multi-threaded, and viral database updates. You must change the example configuration files to configure the engine because it lacks a graphica...

A Synopsis of Diamond History

As diamond history is as rich in mythology and folklore as it is in physical facts and records, it differs widely according on the source of documentation. People have been fascinated by the romance and beauty that surround our most valuable gemstones, diamonds, throughout history. Diamond history is one that is full with mythological stories, such as one where snakes guarded a kingdom full of diamonds. History of early Diamonds India was the location of the first known diamond history, which dates back almost 3,000 years. Prior to this time, no documented records of the discovery of diamonds exist. Nowadays, there are just two main uses for diamonds, which is completely different from the reasons we still fall in love today's gems. Diamonds were prized for their ability to reflect light and were used as talismans to ward off evil spirits and offer protection during battle. Historical Dark Ages of Diamonds The history of diamonds began to shift toward some type of medical use d...

SEO Edge Responsive Faster Blogger Template

The SEO Edge blogger template has the most incredible features and is best optimized for all ajax features that get data from our proprietary native feed. The most recent version of this template offers a number of cutting-edge features and shortcodes. This design also has pre-installed snippet feature posts with SEO tags for SEO purposes. Use this contemporary template for blogs of all kinds, news sites, periodicals, personal websites, and other tech-related websites. With the finest optimization, the primary Google Core Web Vitals issue has been fixed in this template. Use the Google Page Speed Test tool by Lighthouse below to see the outcomes of our optimization work in this flexible modern blogger template. Additionally, you can use the GTmetrix and Pingdom tools to examine the super optimization of this template. By doing this, you'll improve your outcomes and rank well in search engines. We're finally the first in the blogger sector to use JSON LD, a native feed system ...

QuokkaSwap is a Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange

The decentralized exchange (DEX) QuokkaSwap is a completely new platform for trading crypto assets. Within the framework of the new platform, all transactions are carried out using smart contracts, and not in a centralized trading system.   The QuokkaSwap DEX differs from centralized exchanges in that no user funds are stored on the platform, and the exchange does not control transactions. The principle is based on the fact that all assets are transferred directly from a user's wallet connected to the platform. In addition, the platform excludes the procedure for user verification.   Speaking of QuokkaSwap , it is worth noting that this is an exchange with a completely new approach to modeling and implementation. The platform has its own exchange model, and the improved tokenomics of the decentralized exchange solves many problems and uses an exchange protocol based on the concepts of game theory. With QuokkaSwap, we are paving the way for BEP20. It is a standard token for B...

Evadore (CarbonEva) Airdrop Program Legit

Evadore is a ReFi blockchain project created to leave the world in the best way for future generations and to find solutions to environmental problems around the world. Evadore encourages using renewable energy sources, maximizing energy use, and making deliberate decisions about energy efficiency to make your home energy systems more sustainable. You may lessen the environmental impact of your home by adopting energy-efficient lighting and appliances, monitoring energy consumption to prevent wasteful waste, and utilizing renewable energy sources like solar panels to meet your home's energy needs. These actions not only save your energy expenditures but also help to preserve the environment and natural resources.    Evadore The blockchain suggested in this essay will result in zero carbon emissions.   Entrance The global climate catastrophe is impacted by all individual and collective decisions at varying rates. The "carbon emissions" that are released into the environ...

News Reader - News & Responsive Blogger Template

Because of everything we've covered, News Reader is a simple and responsive blogger template. Longer load times are linked to higher bounce rates and slower average load times. Page performance is affected by the web server, page file size, and picture compression, among other variables. Page speed can be expressed as "page load time" (the time it takes for all of a page's content to appear) or "time to first byte" (the time it takes for the browser to receive the first byte of data from the web server). As you attempt to speed up your page load time, Google Analytics will actually track which pages are consistently taking the longest to load. This will allow you to see your progress over time. When assessing your blog using a template, The most important thing to have in mind is to test consistently in the same location at the same speed. All speed tests performed on your blogger template site are saved by Pingdom, allowing you to monitor performance adva...

MagSoft Blogger Template

Magsoft is the best Blogger template with unique features and soft design which attract your audience. In this Blogger template, we have added various feature post gadget sections and implemented the like bookmark option to make posts saved at the top of the menu. In this Blogger template, you can enjoy multiple features in one template with three different versions dark, RTL, and default. This Blogger template is highly SEO optimized Adsense friendly with flexible codes and modern browser compatibility. This Blogger template is best suitable for all types of blogs like tech magazines games news personal blog portfolio etc. The loading speed of this Blogger template is awesome the optimization is very hard to level to get better results Google's web vitals score has been fixed. Start using our MagSoft Blogger template to get results within a few weeks.       PREVIEW   Magsoft is the best Blogger template with unique features and soft design which attract yo...

Avada Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce

This feature-rich version adds a ton of new capabilities and a huge selection of new design possibilities. ACF Repeater support, Pixel Width & Flex Grow for Columns, and Mailchimp tag/group support are some of the new features we've added. Additionally, while constructing a website using the Avada Setup Wizard, you can now include a WooCommerce thank you page, as well as changes to the Prebuilt Website Import procedure, text stroke styling, ToTop button styling, and a ton of other features.   PREVIEW   This feature-rich version adds a ton of new capabilities and a huge selection of new design possibilities. ACF Repeater support, Pixel Width & Flex Grow for Columns, and Mailchimp tag/group support are some of the new features we've added. Additionally, while constructing a website using the Avada Setup Wizard, you can now include a WooCommerce thank you page, as well as changes to the Prebuilt Website Import procedure, text stroke styling, ToTop button styling, and a ...

Early Access Nansen 2 is coming

NansenAI is Blockchain data and research trusted by the world’s leading Web3 institutions, crypto teams, and investors. This collaboration enables us to provide Nansen users with valuable on-chain insights within Linea's ecosystem such as the number of active addresses and transactions, top protocols and entities, tokens, NFTs, and more! Ethereum has long faced scalability challenges that hindered its ability to meet the growing demands of developers and users. However, Linea changes the game as a developer friendly zk-Rollup, with transactions being up to 15 times cheaper than Ethereum Layer 1! Linea’s mainnet launch follows a successful testnet phase that saw 5.4 million unique wallets commit over 46 million transactions in three months, making Linea one of the largest active projects on Goerli We're proud to be supporting Linea from its launch to give the ecosystem the rich insights that they deserve. Our dashboards will be coming very soon. ...

Pet Care & Clinic Template (Petiro)

Use the Pet Care & Clinic template to post your pet store, dog kennels, animal shelter, animal care center, pet grooming shop, dog service shop, animal salon, pet-friendly stores, pet care clinics, veterinarians, and other related jobs and projects online. It is a sophisticated, feature-rich template that is entirely responsive. To get visitors to your website, you can easily construct one and advertise your services. You may add a video to your website to make it more vibrant and visually appealing. You can use a YouTube video or a bespoke one. Petiro also offers connection with YouTube videos. Grid layout, a photo gallery, SEO and speed optimization, support for RTL, compatibility with payment systems, and more are further noteworthy features.    DEMO   Use the Pet Care & Clinic template to post your pet store, dog kennels, animal shelter, animal care center, pet grooming shop, dog service shop, animal salon, pet-friendly stores, pet care clinics, veterinar...

Vacula – Art & Creative Design Template

Vacula is a fantastic Art & Creative Design Template that places a strong emphasis on a positive user experience. Your website will be more distinctive if you use this template. Due to its complete customization, you have the freedom to design a website exactly how you want. It expertly supports all popular browsers and aids in website multilingual configuration. Additionally, you can experiment with the typography and colors to add your own unique touch. Additionally, you could like distinctive favicons, Google Web Fonts, RTL support, payment gateway compatibility, grid layout, gorgeous color selections, distinctive photo gallery, and more. It was created using the most recent Bootstrap framework. Additionally, sharing your website on a variety of social networking sites enables you to grow your clientele and your business. DEMO Vacula is a fantastic Art & Creative Design Template that places a strong emphasis on a positive user experience. Your website will be more distin...