
Showing posts from May, 2016

Management Consultant (Associate) to Business Sweden in Jakarta

Business Sweden is a global consultancy organization with approximately 500 colleagues working in 46 countries. We all share the same passion - creating maximum value for Sweden. Business Sweden’s purpose is to help every Swedish company to reach their full, international potential and help companies abroad to reach their potential by investing in Sweden. Through our consultancy services we offer our customers strategic advice and hands-on support in their international growth and establishment. Business Sweden is owned by the Swedish Government and the industry, a partnership that provides access to contacts and networks at all levels. Business Sweden was founded on the first of January, 2013, by a merger of the Swedish Trade Council (Exportrådet) and Invest Sweden. Job description Business Sweden – The Swedish Trade and Invest Council – is a resource available to all Swedish companies wanting to do international business. Our services seek to support Swedish companies in...

7 Rahasia Dibalik QS Al-Kautsar

Surah ini adalah surah yang paling pendek dalam Al Qur'an, hanya mengandungi 3 ayat dan diturunkan di Makkah dan berasal dari sungai di Syurga. Kolam sungai ini diperbuat dari pada batu permata yang indah dan cantik. Rasanya lebih manis dari pada madu, warnanya pula lebih putih dari pada susu dan lebih wangi dari pada kasturi. Surah ini disifatkan sebagai surah penghibur hati Nabi Muhammad SAW, karena diturunkan ketika baginda bersedih atas kematian 2 orang yang dikasihinya, yaitu anak lelakinya Ibrahim dan bapak saudaranya Abu Thalib. Berbagai khasiat terkandung di dalam surah ini dan boleh kita amalkan, diantaranya ialah : 1. Ketika hujan, bacalah surah ini dan berdo'a. Insya Allah, do'a kita dikabulkan oleh Allah SWT. 2. Ketika kita kehausan dan tiada air, bacalah surah ini dan gosok di leher. Insya Allah hilangkan rasa dahaga. 3. Ketika kita sering sakit mata, seperti berair, gatal, bengkak. Sapukan air tawar yang sudah dibacakan surah ini seban...

Country HR Generalist HP

Hewlett-Packard Company NYSE: HPQ, dikenal umum sebagai HP, adalah salah satu perusahaan teknologi informasi terbesar dunia. Hewlett-Packard dibangun oleh dua orang yang bernama Bill Hewlett dan Dave Packard. Bermarkas besar di Palo Alto, California, Amerika Serikat, perusahaan ini memiliki keberadaan global dalam bidang komputasi, percetakan, dan gambaran digital, dan juga menjual perangkat lunak dan pelayanan jasa lainnya. HP is a proven leader in personal systems and printing, delivering innovations that empower people to create, interact, and inspire like never before. We leverage our strong financial position to extend our leadership in traditional markets and invest in exciting new technologies. HP has an impressive portfolio and strong innovation pipeline across areas such as: blended reality technology - our unique Sprout by HP will change the way people do things 3D printing multi-function printing Ink in the office tablets, phablets, notebooks mobile workstations...

Strategic Partner Development Manager

Facebook adalah sebuah layanan jejaring sosial yang diluncurkan pada bulan Februari 2004, dan berkantor pusat di Menlo Park, California, Amerika Serikat. Pada September 2012, Facebook memiliki lebih dari satu miliar pengguna aktif, lebih dari separuhnya menggunakan telepon genggam. Pengguna harus mendaftar sebelum dapat menggunakan situs ini. Setelah itu, pengguna dapat membuat profil pribadi, menambahkan pengguna lain sebagai teman, dan bertukar pesan, termasuk pemberitahuan otomatis ketika mereka memperbarui profilnya.  Selain itu, pengguna dapat bergabung dengan grup pengguna dengan ketertarikan yang sama, diurutkan berdasarkan tempat kerja, sekolah atau perguruan tinggi, atau ciri khas lainnya, dan mengelompokkan teman-teman mereka ke dalam daftar seperti "Rekan Kerja" atau "Teman Dekat". Facebook didirikan oleh Mark Zuckerberg bersama teman sekamarnya dan sesama mahasiswa Universitas Harvard, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, dan Chri...

Assistant Manager GMO C10 Citibank India

Citi, the leading global financial services company, has some 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 100 countries, providing consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, and wealth management. Additional information may be found at  or Within Citi, Global Modeling Oversight (GMO) is an independent oversight function and is part of the Global Consumer organization. The Mumbai center is one of the three GMO locations across the globe and is responsible for development and maintenance of Model Risk Management Policy and procedures, for evaluation and approval of very high, high and medium high risk models used in global consumer risk management. Role Outline/Job Summary The position will be part of the Global Model Oversight, India (Mumbai)...

Graduate Associate , Technology & Operations DBS Bank

DBS. Living, Breathing Asia.  DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia, with over 250 branches across 17 markets. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS is a market leader in Singapore with over four million customers and also has a growing presence in the three key Asian axes of growth, namely, Greater China, Southeast Asia and South Asia. The bank's strong capital position, as well as "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings that are among the highest in the Asia-Pacific region, earned it Global Finance's "Safest Bank in Asia" accolade for five consecutive years from 2009 to 2013. Responsibilities  For those with a passion for ideas, this 2-year programme offers you the opportunity to specialise in the technology and operations businesses, and develop expertise that will prepare you to drive innovation in the banking industry. The structured learning programme entails: • Six weeks of Campus Training  • Two 11-month stints ...

Management Associate DBS Bank

DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia, with over 250 branches across 17 markets. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS has a growing presence in the three key Asian axes of growth: Greater China, Southeast Asia and South Asia. The bank's capital position, as well as "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings, is among the highest in Asia-Pacific. DBS has been recognised for its leadership in the region, having been named “Asia’s Best Bank” by The Banker, a member of the Financial Times group, and “Best Bank in Asia-Pacific” by Global Finance. The bank has also been named “Safest Bank in Asia” by Global Finance for six consecutive years from 2009 to 2014. DBS provides a full range of services in consumer, SME and corporate banking activities across Asia. As a bank born and bred in Asia, DBS understands the intricacies of doing business in the region’s most dynamic markets. These market insights and regional connectivity have helped to drive the bank’s g...

Local Administrator Ericsson

A connected world is just the beginning. Ericsson is the world’s leading provider of technology and services to telecom operators. Ericsson is advancing its vision of being the “prime driver in an all-communicating world” through innovation, technology, and sustainable business solutions. We now stand on the brink of fundamental innovation opportunities across industries, public services and in private life. We are moving from the information society to the Networked Society, where the primary concern is not having access to information, but what benefit you get out of it. It took 100 years to connect 1 billion places and 25 years to connect 5 billion people. The next step is connecting things. Ericsson envisions 50 billion connected devices as a starting point for new ways of innovating, collaborating, and socializing. The result will be simplified processes, higher productivity, real-time information allowing quicker, more informed decision-making or problem solving whe...