
Bihun Goreng Udang

Bahan Yang Disiapkan: 2 pcs bihun Udang dan baso ikan secukupnya 3 siung bwang merah 3 siung bawang putih 1/2 batang wortel (potong korek) Kol dan buncis secukupnya 1 ikat sawi caisim 1 batang daun bawang (iris) 2 butir telur (di orak arik) Kecap asin Kecap manis Saos tiram Gula Garam Lada Bumbu Penyedap Minyak goreng Cara Memasak: Rendam bihun dengan air panas (sebentar saja), tiriskan dan tambahkan 1 sdm kecap asin aduk rata. Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih, masukan udang dan baso ikan. Aduk sebentar. Masukkan sayuran tambahkan gula, garam, lada dan penyedap, tambahkan sedikit air, lalu masukkan bihun dan telur yg sudah di orak arik. Tambahkan kecap manis dan saos tiram aduk rat. Tambahkan irisan daun bawang. Cicipi rasa, angkat dan sajikan.

Semprit Pandan Wangi

Bahan Yang Disiapkan: - 250 gr margarin - 120 gr gula halus - 2 kuning telur - 250 gr terigu protein rendah - 100 gr maizena - 30 gr susu bubuk - 1 sdt pasta pandan - Selai stroberi secukupnya Cara membuat: Mixer margarin dengan gula halus sebentar saja, masukkan kuning telur dan pasta pandan kocok rata. Masukkan campuran terigu, maizena, susu bubuk, aduk rata pakai spatula. Masukkan adonan dalam plastik segitiga, spuitkan adonan ke loyang yang sudah dialasi kertas roti. Hias atasnya dengan selai stroberi. Oven suhu 130 derajat celcius selama 30 menit atau sampai matang dan pinggiran kue sedikit kecokelatan. Setelah matang dinginkan, kemudian simpan di toples kedap udara.

Resep Mochi Kacang Wijen

Bahan Isian : 50 gr kacang tanah sangrai, haluskan 2 sdm wijen, sangrai 4 sdm gula halus 1 sdm minyak goreng Sejumput garam Air secukupnya Bahan baluran : 50 gr maizena 1 lmb daun pandan (sangrai sampai daun pandan kering) Bahan kulit Mochi : 150 gr tepung ketan 1 saset susu dancow full cream 1 sdm maizena 60 gr gula pasir 2 sdm minyak goreng 200 ml air Pewarna merah muda secukupnya   Cara membuat : Isian : campur semua bahan isian, tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit sampai bisa di pulung. Bentuk bulat sesuai selera, sisihkan. Kulit Mochi : campur semua bahan, aduk rata sampai gula larut. Saring. Kukus 15 menit, aduk rata dan kukus kembali 10 menit/ matang. Angkat dan dinginkan. Gilas kulit mochi, potong kotak2 kecil. Ambil satu kulit, beri isian kacang wijen dan bulatkan kembali. Balur dengan maizena tipis2, kemas dan siap di sajikan.

8 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Numerous investigations and studies have demonstrated that children who eat breakfast do better in school and have healthier diets. Breakfast will aid in fostering healthy development and enhancing academic achievement. Breakfast frequently suffers because of the early time pressure. Even though you might be tempted to skip breakfast, these 8 suggestions can help you streamline your daily routine: At night, finish your assignments and prepare your backpacks. Before you go to bed, decide what your kids will wear to school the next day and look for misplaced shoes. Rise 15 minutes earlier in the morning. Stop watching morning television and playing computer games. Keep wholesome foods on hand. Along with your children, you should go grocery shopping for breakfast foods, paying attention to their preferences. Place the cereal out the previous evening. For younger kids, put her share in a plastic bag with a zipper before adding the milk in the morning. Let your kids use the microwave freq...

Advice On Eating Healthily

A balanced diet is one approach to ensure that your body is in excellent health. You'll stay strong for activities you enjoy and keep a healthy weight with healthy eating. You'll also have energy throughout the day and obtain the vitamins and minerals you require. You'll discover advice for healthy eating in the sections below. 1. Never skip a meal   The best method to keep your energy levels up and your weight in check is to eat three meals a day with snacks in between. When you miss meals and are hungry, it's more probable that you'll select unhealthy items. Take food with you if you are eating out from home or know where to find nutritious cuisine. 2. Acquire knowledge of the cooking process   Try grilling, stir-frying, microwave cooking, baking, or even boiling as alternatives to deep-frying. To add flavor to your food, you should also experiment with fresh or even dried herbs and spices. Trim the fat and skin from any meat you plan to eat before you consume it...

Fruit Cocktail Recipe

Before the soup course of a meal, usually a luncheon or supper, fruit-based cocktails are frequently offered as the first course. They provide a great replacement for hefty lobster or crab-based cocktails during warm weather and can even take the place of the soup dish. Since the acids and flavors are meant to function as an appetizer, or the same purpose for which the hot and highly seasoned soups are consumed, the fruits utilized for this purpose should be the more acidic ones. Always serve fruit drinks at a very chilly temperature. Cocktail with grapefruit The drink described here can be served in stemmed glasses or in grapefruit shells. The grapefruit should be split in half between the flower and stem ends, the fruit should be removed, and the shell edges should be notched if the fruit shells are to be used. This cocktail serving strategy should only be employed when using little grapefruits because larger grapefruits would require more fruit than is appropriate for a cocktail. Gr...

Avast Secure Browser for Windows

The unique web browser Avast Secure Browser was created to offer more protection. It's important to remember the importance of protection and security when using the internet. If you're not vigilant and careful, you never know when you'll find yourself the target of malware and viruses that harm your Windows PC or exploit your data. Users of this new Avast browser now have access to features that make web browsing safer and more effective. Unique Capabilities With its integrated privacy and security features, Avast Secure Browser can protect you from a multitude of threats without sacrificing speed or dependability. This is due to the fact that it is built on the open-source project Chromium. This indicates that it offers all of Google Chrome's effectiveness and usefulness. Its graphical user interface is identical to that of the browser developed by Google. The Avast Secure Browser contains built-in privacy and security measures that are all accessible with the click ...