
Showing posts from October, 2020

Marketing Creative Graphic Designer - PT Djarum Indonesia

PT Djarum adalah sebuah perusahaan rokok terbesar keempat di Indonesia yang berkantor pusat di Kudus, Jawa Tengah. PT Djarum merupakan induk dari Djarum Group yang membawahi banyak bisnis. Bisnis tersebut dikelola oleh keluarga Hartono, yang generasi pertamanya adalah Oei Wie Gwan. Di luar bisnis rokok kretek, Djarum Group juga memiliki unit bisnis lain seperti bank (BCA), elektronika (Polytron), perkebunan (HPI Argo), perdagangan elektronik (, agen perjalanan daring (, media komunikasi (Djarum Media, dengan nama Mola TV), makanan dan minuman (Savoria, dengan merek Yuzu), dan kopi (Sumber Kopi Prima, dengan merek Delizio Caffino).   Gambaran Pekerjaan Sebagai seorang Creative Graphic Designer, Anda dapat menyalurkan kreativitas dalam berbagai kesempatan. Sebagai bagian dari tim marketing, seorang Creative Graphic Designer akan berkreasi dengan ide/konsep kreatif untuk menghasilkan strategi promosi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan, serta berkolaborasi de...

Warehouse Staff - PT Karya Nusa Bersama Pulau Romang Maluku Barat

We offer challenging career development and good working environment, that enhance our professionals to keep growing. To support our growth, we are currently looking for highly caliber candidate to join our team. Deskripsi Pekerjaan Job Duties: Mengatur stock inventory Min - Max di Warehouse  Memeriksa pemakaian parts sesuai dengan permintaan user (Form NPB)  Menerbitkan Puchase Requesition dan di teruskan ke purchasing Membuat laporan daily consumption & rencana buffer stock report ke Superintendent logistik dan dikirim mingguan, Laporan recap pemakaian parts & consumable Mingguan & bulanan  Memastikan parts tersupply terpakai dan jika tidak pastikan adanya Parts Return Form lengkap dengan partsnya  Bertanggung jawab atas kebersihan dan kerapian di dalam area gudang barang Bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan bongkar muat barang di gudang dan ikut mendatangani surat penerimaan barang dan surat jalan Membuat catatan administrasi persediaan barang, ya...

Account Payable Officer - City of Tomorrow, PT Lippo Malls Indonesia Surabaya

Lippo Malls (sebelumnya The Village Mall) merupakan operator mal terbesar di Indonesia. Lippo Malls dikelola oleh PT Jasa Management Consulting Division, anak perusahaan Lippo Karawaci Tbk. Kelompok ini memiliki total 585 anchor tenant dan penyewa 15.353 di seluruh mal dengan berbagai ukuran dari 26.000 meter persegi sampai 90.000 meter persegi dan target kelompok ekonomi menengah atas di setiap lokasi pasar mereka. Anchor tenant meliputi beberapa penyewa terbesar di Indonesia disamping Merek Nasional.  Job Role:   Providing financial, administrative and clerical support to the organization. Completing payments and control expenses by receiving payments, plus processing, verifying and reconciling invoices.   Responsibilities: Make vouchers for payment / disbursement of cash, current accounts and banks and make supplier payments. Collecting and checking the completeness of the documents of the purchase of goods and services, returning the document to each department i...

Internal Auditor, Business Process and Controls - Google, Chicago, IL, USA; Sunnyvale, CA, USA

About the job Internal Audit‘s mission is to protect and enable growth across Alphabet, Google and our Bets with objective, practical insights. We do this by monitoring the risk environment across Alphabet and providing insights to enable effective risk management. We work closely with teams and leadership to achieve a strong control environment that enhances and protects organizational value.    We serve as one of the company’s various lines of defense for staffing and developing our team to be control experts who deliver objective and reliable results. As a member of the team, you’ll advise the business and engineering groups to identify areas of risk and make valuable recommendations on controls. You’ll have the opportunity to influence change and decisions for business initiatives including product launches and system implementations. You enjoy working in a dynamic environment, are passionate about technology and are able to focus on key issues and the details that come wi...

Industry Manager, Retail (Fixed-term Contract) - Google Hambur Berlin Munich, German

This is a Fixed-Term Contract (FTC) position Note: By applying to this position your application is automatically submitted to the following locations: Hamburg, Germany; Berlin, Germany; Munich, Germany Minimum qualifications:     Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience.     Digital marketing or industry specific commercial experience.     Ability to speak and write in English and German fluently. Preferred qualifications: Experience in business development, client relationship and servicing skills, customer needs, and solution-based selling. Media experience (e.g. online), with an extensive understanding of search, display and YouTube. Ability to manage large and complex projects with multiple stakeholders. Ability to fuse creativity with technology in order to drive business innovation. Excellent analytical and strategic storytelling skills. Excellent presentation, relationship and interpersonal skills. About the job Businesses...

Gymster Blogger Template

Gymster Blogger Template is a advanced beautiful minimal blogger theme with 100% responsive, 3 columns blogger theme for weightlifting or fitness blog. Gymster Blogspot template has a mobile and seo friendly post structure with 2 right sidebars, 2 navigation menus, social and post share buttons, header widget and much more. If you are a website designer in mumbai then you can download this theme and you can use this template on your new or existing client website.   Gymster Blogger Template is a advanced beautiful minimal blogger theme with 100% responsive, 3 columns blogger theme for weightlifting or fitness blog. Gymster Blogspot template has a mobile and seo friendly post structure with 2 right sidebars, 2 navigation menus, social and post share buttons, header widget and much more. If you are a website designer in mumbai then you can download this theme and you can use this template on your new or existing client website.       DEMO & DOWNLOAD   ...

Credit Analyst Retail (Lampung) - PT Hino Finance Indonesia

SEJARAH PERUSAHAAN PT Hino Finance Indonesia (HFI) didirikan di Jakarta, Indonesia dengan Akta Pendirian Nomor 45 tanggal 11 Juli 2014 yang dibuat di hadapan Popie Savitri Martosuhardjo Pharmanto, SH Notaris di Jakarta dan telah memperoleh persetujuan dari Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor AHU-17318.40.10.2014 tanggal 14 Juli 2014. PT Hino Finance Indonesia merupakan perusahaan joint venture dengan dan antara Hino Motors Ltd, Summit Global Auto Management B.V dan PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk.   PT Hino Finance Indonesia (HFI) didirikan pada tanggal 14 Juli 2014. Sebagai perusahaan joint venture antara Indomobil Group, Hino Motors Ltd, dan Sumitomo Corporation Group. Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembiayaan kendaraan Merk Hino juga berkomitmen untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi pelanggan kami di seluruh Indonesia.    Visit us   PERSYARATAN Lulusan S1 dari Universitas t...

Account Officer Retail (Tangerang) - PT Hino Finance Indonesia

SEJARAH PERUSAHAAN PT Hino Finance Indonesia (HFI) didirikan di Jakarta, Indonesia dengan Akta Pendirian Nomor 45 tanggal 11 Juli 2014 yang dibuat di hadapan Popie Savitri Martosuhardjo Pharmanto, SH Notaris di Jakarta dan telah memperoleh persetujuan dari Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor AHU-17318.40.10.2014 tanggal 14 Juli 2014. PT Hino Finance Indonesia merupakan perusahaan joint venture dengan dan antara Hino Motors Ltd, Summit Global Auto Management B.V dan PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk.   PT Hino Finance Indonesia (HFI) didirikan pada tanggal 14 Juli 2014. Sebagai perusahaan joint venture antara Indomobil Group, Hino Motors Ltd, dan Sumitomo Corporation Group. Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembiayaan kendaraan Merk Hino juga berkomitmen untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi pelanggan kami di seluruh Indonesia.    Visit us   PERSYARATAN > Usia maks. 30 tahun > Lulusan S1 dari Universitas te...

Credit Analyst Retail (Tangerang) - Hino Finance Indonesia

SEJARAH PERUSAHAAN PT Hino Finance Indonesia (HFI) didirikan di Jakarta, Indonesia dengan Akta Pendirian Nomor 45 tanggal 11 Juli 2014 yang dibuat di hadapan Popie Savitri Martosuhardjo Pharmanto, SH Notaris di Jakarta dan telah memperoleh persetujuan dari Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor AHU-17318.40.10.2014 tanggal 14 Juli 2014. PT Hino Finance Indonesia merupakan perusahaan joint venture dengan dan antara Hino Motors Ltd, Summit Global Auto Management B.V dan PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk. PT Hino Finance Indonesia (HFI) didirikan pada tanggal 14 Juli 2014. Sebagai perusahaan joint venture antara Indomobil Group , Hino Motors Ltd , dan Sumitomo Corporation Group . Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembiayaan kendaraan Merk Hino juga berkomitmen untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi pelanggan kami di seluruh Indonesia.  Visit us   Credit Analyst Ret...

Warehouse Staff Semarang PT. Indonusa Telemedia (TransVision)

Warehouse Staff Semarang PT. Indonusa Telemedia (TransVision) Semarang Ditayangkan pada 27/10/2020 Tentang Perusahaan PT.Indonusa Telemedia (Transvision) is one of the largest pay tv in Indonesia. was established on the May 7, 1997. Transvision was awarded as Best call center services (2013), Top Brands (2012), and Social media award (2013). In 2013, the synergy between CT Corpora and Telkom makes Transvision continue to strive excellence and growing bigger. PT. INDONUSA TELEMEDIA (TRANSVISION) has never collected any fees in the employee recruitment process. PT. INDONUSA TELEMEDIA (TRANSVISION) appoints several partners or third parties to work together in the recruitment process without collecting any fees from job seekers.  All forms of losses suffered by job seekers or any party from fraud in the name of PT. INDONUSA TELEMEDIA (TRANSVISION) is not the responsibility of our company. Informasi Tambahan Perusahaan   Ukuran Perusahaan 1001 - 2000 pekerja Waktu Proses L...


Bringing wealth and innovative ideas to decentralized finance ecosystem through synergy and strategic partnership. YhFi uses decentralized networks and open-source protocols to provide its users, a variety of products and services including holding, yield farming, and swapping. The idea behind the working of YhFi is to create wealth for holders through holding or trading their crypto asset, redistributing income to all stakeholders. YhFi Offers a More Egalitarian System The degree to which an individual can take part in the economy and exchange value is, largely, a product of where we’re born. The World Bank says 1.7 million adults in the world do not have a bank account — and, therefore, no way to build credit. Citizens of developing countries and women, especially, are overrepresented in this cohort. This has led to continuing stagnation in both economic development and quality of life.  Moreover, even in territories with a strong banking presence, the dominant financial entitie...

Airdrop MAXCoin YFIMX

YFIMX is building a futuristic fintech platform. We will give a simple User experience to our daily users to grow their wealth through our highly sophisticated AI platform. We are combining the benefits of both Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and traditional investments along with the ability to use cash in day to day transactions. Users will see their wealth grow and use that as cash for their daily needs. YFIMX is the back bone of tḥe platform users can stake and earn more YFIMX token ḥolders will benefit from the bûyback and bûrn of tokens as well as a stake in the overall profits of the company through a token treasury. YFIMX Token holders will get the benefit of reduced fee and also be able to vote on governance of the platform protocols. Official website: Airdrop MAXCoin YFIMX has Begun For all Users 3500 YFIMX 70$ Invite Friends 0.2$ 1 YFIMX = 0.02$ You earned 3500 YFIMX By Completed all Tasks Mandatory Tasks Join the official Channel Bot YFIMX Join the ...

RTE Coin Airdrop

RTE Coin (RTE) defines itself as a cryptocurrency used by RTE investors, RTE followers and lovers. Ethereum Platform provides financing and usage through ERC20. End Date 30 Oct 2020 Max. Rewards 500 RTE Estimated Value ≈ 377 USD Airdrop Description Total airdrop prize 500 RTE Coin + 50 Referral Please use RTE Coin telegram group chat for any questions. Please complete the required mandatory tasks to be eligible to get airdrop tokens. For Joining - Get 500 RTE. For each referral - Get 50 RTE Steps Join Our Telegram Bot Join Our Telegram Group Join Our Telegram Channel Follow Us On Twitter And Retweet Pinned Post Follow us On Facebook And Share Pinned Post Subscribe Our YouTube Channel Follow Us On Instagram Requirements Facebook Account Twitter Account Telegram Account Instagram Account Youtube Account

CB SEO Friendly - Template Blog Simply Very Fast Loading

CB SEO Friendly - Template Blog Simple Ringan Cepat Terbaru. Skor Speed di Google PageSpeed Insight 100% untuk Desktop dan Mobile. Fitur: SEO Friendly Fast Loading Responsive Simple Related Post Widget Best Social Share Button Customized Label Widget Customized Follow by Email Breadcrumb List Major Default Blogger Code terjaga sehingga AdSense Ready. CB SEO Friendly - Template Blog Simple Ringan Cepat Terbaru. Skor Speed di Google PageSpeed Insight 100% untuk Desktop dan Mobile.* DEMO & DOWNLOAD SEO Friendly Fast Loading Responsive Simple Related Post Widget Best Social Share Button Customized Label Widget Customized Follow by Email Breadcrumb List Major Default Blogger Code terjaga sehingga AdSense Ready. CB SEO Friendly - Template Blog Simple Ringan Cepat Terbaru. Skor Speed di Google PageSpeed Insight 100% untuk Desktop dan Mobile.*

Architect Sinar Mas Land - Lowongan Kerja

Gambaran Perusahaan  Sinar Mas Land merupakan salah satu perusahaan properti Indonesia terbesar. Sinar Mas Land merupakan jaringan dari perusahaan Duta Pertiwi. Sinar Mas Land memulai usahanya pada tahun 1987, tetapi setelah itu, perusahaan muda mendorong industri dengan proyek-proyek seperti apartemen, pusat perbelanjaan, gedung perkantoran, bahkan kota dan kawasan industri dengan tingkat kreativitas dan inovasi yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya. Visinya adalah membangun Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD), dimulai pada tahun 1989 dan sekarang dikenal sebagai perumahan kota yang paling sukses di Indonesia. BSD sekarang terdaftar sebagai perusahaan properti dengan nilai pasar terbesar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Beberapa prinsip berlaku untuk pengembangan ITC (International Trade Center) Mangga Dua, sebagai rumus untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari peluang penjualan strata title untuk ruang bisnis ritel. Dari satu tempat di pusat perdagangan yang sibuk di Jakarta, gagasan ITC telah berkembang ke ha...