
Showing posts from May, 2017

Perbandingan Cewek Cantik dan Cewek Jelek

Cewek cantik : lagi senyum nihโ€ฆ Cowok bilang : wuiihโ€ฆsenyumnya manis banget kayak orangnya.. Cewek jelek : senyum dulu ahโ€ฆ Cowok bilang : gawatโ€ฆudah mulai gak waras neh.. Cewek cantik : hiksโ€ฆhiks (lagi nangis) Cowok bilang : wah bego banget tu cowok ampe nyakitin ni cewekโ€ฆ Cewek jelek : huwaaaaโ€ฆhiks..hiks Cowok bilang : berisik! Cewek cantik : ah enggak ah aku maluuโ€ฆ Cowok bilang : iiiihโ€ฆmanis banget, pipinya kayak tomat! Cewek jelek : malu ah Cowok bilang : sudah layak dan sepantasnya Cewek cantik : aaarrggghโ€ฆ.(lagi marah) Cowok bilang : wah tambah cantik deh kalo marahโ€ฆ Cewek jelek : hiiiihโ€ฆmarah ni Cowok bilang : Loe kok geto seh? Nyadar dongโ€ฆ(jadi ikut marah) Cewek cantik : duh panas banget ya hari ini Cowok bilang : duh kasian, aku kipasin ya Cewek jelek : wuih panas banget nih hari Cowok bilang : pasโ€ฆkayak ikan asin, dijemurโ€ฆ Cewek cantik : cium donk Cowok bilang : gak usah disuruh deh, pasti sigapโ€ฆ Cewek jelek : cium donk ...

Juliet Minimal Blogger Template

Juliet Minimal Blogger Template is a minimal free blog theme for Blogger. A fresh style, light colors and organized view. Those are what Juliet brings to you. Decoration, travel, design ideas, daily notes, or whatever you like to create a blog about needs efficient usage for both of you and your visitors. Thatโ€™s why we love to keep the things simple. Juliet Minimal Blogger Template is a minimal free blog theme for Blogger. A fresh style, light colors and organized view. Those are what Juliet brings to you. Decoration, travel, design ideas, daily notes, or whatever you like to create a blog about needs efficient usage for both of you and your visitors. Thatโ€™s why we love to keep the things simple. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Juliet Minimal Blogger Template is a minimal free blog theme for Blogger. A fresh style, light colors and organized view. Those are what Juliet brings to you. Decoration, travel, design ideas, daily notes, or whatever you like to create a blog about needs e...

SportsMag Responsive Blogger Template

SportsMag Responsive Blogger Template is one of the Best and Unique Sports Blogger Template forever and Sports like Soccer, Football, Cricket, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, Tennis, Surfing, Boxing, Yoga, Tennis, Cycling, Swimming, Athletics, Slalom, Golf, Volleyball and All king of Sports Events. It is fully responsive, retina ready and has many powerful features. We strongly focused on the content and readability because theyโ€™re obviously important for all website owners, and, of course, the theme is very optimized for better SEO results and high-speed guaranteed. DEMO & DOWNLOAD SportsMag Responsive Blogger Template is one of the Best and Unique Sports Blogger Template forever and Sports like Soccer, Football, Cricket, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, Tennis, Surfing, Boxing, Yoga, Tennis, Cycling, Swimming, Athletics, Slalom, Golf, Volleyball and All king of Sports Events. It is fully responsive, retina ready and has many powerful features. We strongly focused on the...

Maverick Grid Blogger Template

Maverick Grid Blogger Template is a clean and well coded modern & stylish Blogger Template for blogs with a masonry grid layout. Blog theme is designed with readers on mind so they have the best possible experience while reading your articles which can be about food, travel, hotels, life tips, finance, programming or what ever you want to write about. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Maverick Grid Blogger Template is a clean and well coded modern & stylish Blogger Template for blogs with a masonry grid layout. Blog theme is designed with readers on mind so they have the best possible experience while reading your articles which can be about food, travel, hotels, life tips, finance, programming or what ever you want to write about.

Alpha Niche Blogger Template

Alpha Niche Blogger Template is a clean, simple and fast loading blogger template, It is highly customizable and has responsive layout so that it can fit into any screen size. You can use this template for any niche like tech, Blogging, Events, Authority, Blogging Resources, News, Latest Trends etc. We have optimized this template according to google latest search algorithms so that it will perform outstanding in search result ranking and will boost your blog traffic to its highest peak. The customization process of this template is so easy that you can create your own color scheme in seconds. The template is very fast loading and one of the best seo optimized blogger template we have in our directory. Alpha is loaded with lots of professional and useful widgets like Newsticker, Popular Post, Multilevel Dropdown Menu, Email Subscription and many more. You will love it because Alpha has all what you need to build a perfect blog. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Alpha Niche Blogger Tem...

Storm Blogger Template

Storm Blogger Template is a portfolio blogger template and personal one page/multipurpose template for blogger built with bootstrap. Storm is build for online professionals who wants to showcase their portfolio on modern way. This is a best and great way to showcase your product/portfolio/resume. This template gives better browsing and great experience. Storm Blogger Template is a portfolio blogger template and personal one page/multipurpose template for blogger built with bootstrap. Storm is build for online professionals who wants to showcase their portfolio on modern way. This is a best and great way to showcase your product/portfolio/resume. This template gives better browsing and great experience. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Storm Blogger Template is a portfolio blogger template and personal one page/multipurpose template for blogger built with bootstrap. Storm is build for online professionals who wants to showcase their portfolio on modern way. This is a best and great ...

Lex Blogger Template

Lex Blogger Template is a fresh design stunning multi-purpose blog & article type blogger template. It is very professional, smooth and sleek, with a clean modern layout and It's extremely easy to customize. It is perfect for fashion, lifestyle, travel, food, craft and many other creative blogs. Lex Blogger Template is a fresh design stunning multi-purpose blog & article type blogger template. It is very professional, smooth and sleek, with a clean modern layout and It's extremely easy to customize. It is perfect for fashion, lifestyle, travel, food, craft and many other creative blogs. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Lex Blogger Template is a fresh design stunning multi-purpose blog & article type blogger template. It is very professional, smooth and sleek, with a clean modern layout and It's extremely easy to customize. It is perfect for fashion, lifestyle, travel, food, craft and many other creative blogs.

Rumah Yang Tidak Dimasuki Malaikat

Malaikat adalah salah satu makhluk ciptaan Allah SWT. Mereka adalah makhluk yang taat dan selalu bertasbih kepada Sang Pencipta. Para malaikat senantiasa menebarkan rahmat Allah SWT di tengah manusia. Kehadiran makhluk suci tersebut akan memberikan kesejukan dan ketenteraman dalam setiap rumah yang dikunjunginya, karena kehadiran mereka selalu disertai ridha Allah SWT. Namun, tidak semua tempat tinggal akan dikunjungi oleh para malaikat. Ada beberapa karakteristik rumah yang membuat malaikat tidak suka berada di dalamnya . Jenis-Jenis rumah Yang Tidak Dimasuki Malaikat, Berikut dibawah ini penjelasanya : Rasulullah ุตู„ู‰ ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุนู„ูŠู‡ ูˆุณู„ู… bersabda: ู„ูŽุง ุชูŽุฏู’ุฎูู„ู ุงู„ู’ู…ูŽู„ูŽุงุฆููƒูŽุฉู ุจูŽูŠู’ุชู‹ุง ูููŠู‡ู ูƒูŽู„ู’ุจูŒ ูˆูŽู„ูŽุง ุตููˆุฑูŽุฉู ุชูŽู…ูŽุงุซููŠู„ูŽ โ€œMalaikat tidak akan memasuki rumah yang terdapat anjing dan gambar makhluk bernyawa di dalamnyaโ€. (Muttafaq โ€˜Alaih dari hadits Abu Tholhah, lafadz milik Bukhori) Abdullah bin Abbas ุฑุถูŠ ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุนู†ู‡ berkata: ูŠูุฑููŠุฏู ุงู„ุชูŽู‘ู…ูŽุงุซููŠู„ูŽ ุงู„ูŽู‘ุชููŠ ูููŠู‡ูŽุง ...

3 Jurus Lenyapkan Perut Buncit

Anda pasti tidak ingin memiliki bentuk perut yang buncit. Selain tidak indah dilihat, perut buncit berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Untuk itu, segera singkirkan lemak berbahaya di perut Anda dengan tiga langkah mudah berikut. 1. Nutrisi seimbang Konsumsilah makanan dengan nutrisi seimbang. Memiliki pola makan sehat adalah langkah pertama untuk menghilangkan lemak pada perut Anda. Berlatihlah untuk mengontrol porsi makanan. Pastikan menu makanan Anda mengandung nutrisi seimbang dan sehat termasuk di dalamnya karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak baik. Konsumsi juga gandum utuh secara teratur karena bisa membantu menghilangkan lemak perut. 2. Latihan kardio Jika Anda ingin perut terlihat langsing, lakukan latihan kardio setiap hari secara teratur. Ini adalah latihan wajib untuk menghilangkan lemak perut. Lakukan latihan kardio secara bertahap hingga mencapai intensitas tinggi seperti spinning, interval training, dan berlari. 3. Latihan untuk membentuk bagian tubuh atas ...

Top 10 Mysteries of the Bible

The Bible is a source of inerrant truth to over a billion humans but with a book (or more literally a set of books) of this age, speculation arises as to the facts contained therein. This list looks at some of the historical mysteries and even some of the theological mysteries contained in the Bible. These are all topics which fascinate biblical scholars and laymen alike. 10             Holy Grail The mystery:  Where is the Holy Grail? According to Christian mythology, the Holy Grail was the dish, plate, or cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper, said to possess miraculous powers. The connection of Joseph of Arimathea with the Grail legend dates from the late 12th century in which Joseph receives the Grail from an apparition of Jesus and sends it with his followers to Great  Britain . Belief in the Grail and interest in its potential whereabouts has never ceased. Ownership has been attributed to various groups (including the Knight...

4 Tanda Pria Selingkuh Dilihat dari Ponselnya

Selingkuh menjadi permasalahan utama dalam sebuah hubungan, dan banyak faktor yang menjadi latar belakangnya. Tanda-tanda selingkuh ini ternyata bisa dilihat dari kebiasaan pasangan menggunakan ponsel. Inilah 5 tanda selingkuh dari ponsel, seperti yang dikutip dari, Jumat (5/5/2017) dalam lama Selalu Menyembunyikan Ponselnya Tanda selingkuh pertama adalah pasangan mulai mengunci semua aplikasinya. Bahkan ia tidak ingin memperlihatkan ponselnya di hadapan Anda. Bila sudah melihat adanya perubahan kebiasaan ini, tentunya hal mencurigakan seperti selingkuh menjadi perhatian pertama pada lelaki Anda. Suka berbohong ketika menjawab telepon atau pesan singkat Apabila si dia mulai menjauh untuk menjawab telepon ketika sedang bertemu, atau pura-pura menghindar ketika ponselnya berbunyi, bisa jadi ini merupakan tanda dimulainya perselingkuhan. Tanyalah kepada hati kecil Anda, jika dirasa masih aman dan biasa saja, maka percayalah. Terlalu leng...