Lowongan Kerja GM - Taxation & Payable Management PT. XL Axiata Tbk
PT XL Axiata Tbk (IDX: EXCL), (sebelumnya bernama PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk) atau disingkat XL adalah sebuah perusahaan operator telekomunikasi seluler di Indonesia. XL mulai beroperasi secara komersial pada tanggal 8 Oktober 1996, dan merupakan perusahaan swasta pertama yang menyediakan layanan telepon seluler di Indonesia. Pada 16 November 2009, RUPSLB XL menetapkan perubahan nama perusahaan dari PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk. menjadi PT XL Axiata Tbk.
XL memiliki dua lini produk GSM, yaitu XL Prabayar dan XL Pascabayar. Selain itu XL juga menyediakan layanan korporasi yang termasuk Internet Service Provider (ISP) dan VoIP.
Job Description
- Undertake strategic tax planning and develop the implementation system/rules to ensure the alignment to company strategic planning & compliance
- Identify & remedy errors of taxation & payable function in the early stage to minimize leakage
- Continuously develop organization capability to adapt controls & leakage prevention with the growing of business and challenges
- Develop maturity of taxation & payable function to effectively embed controls in the operational layer and spread awareness of assurance across business functions
- Build detection & defense mechanism and lead cross-function coordination as the effort of fraud management
- Plan, organize, and control subordinates’ work through staff’s job-description definition, progress, timeliness & performance review, and resolve outstanding issues to achieve optimum level of department target
- Assist top management in making economic decisions by providing accurate, relevant, on time, and meaningful financial information
Interested in Joining Our Team?
Send your application to recruitment@xl.co.id with subject: Apply - GM - Taxation & Payable Management.
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