Lowongan Receptionist di Hotel Hang Tuah, Jakarta Selatan

Hang Tuah is located in South Jakarta, 19 km from Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta International Airport. It offers an outdoor pool with an attached spa pool, free parking and free Wi-Fi access.

The cosy guest rooms at Hang Tuah are fitted with cable TV, a fridge and tea/coffee making facilities. Each room comes with a private bathroom with a shower.

Hang Tuah has a well-equipped fitness centre for guests to work out. Laundry and dry cleaning services are available at this hotel.

The hotel’s restaurant serves a selection of local dishes. Drinks are available as well.

Hang Tuah is a short drive from the Central Business District. The Trade Centre and the shopping mall are also near the hotel.

Kebayoran Baru is a great choice for travelers interested in food shopping, business and nightlife.

This property is also rated for the best value in Jakarta! Guests are getting more for their money when compared to other properties in this city

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

* Melakukan Input Data Keuangan
* Membuat Billing/Invoice tamu
* Membuat Laporan Keuangan
* Membuat Reservasi Tamu via Telephone atau via booking online.

Persyaratan Pengalaman :
Pengalaman/Non Pengalaman, Fresh Greduate Are Welcome

Keahlian :

– Menguasai Ms Word & Excel ( Di Utamakan Excel )
– Mengerti Bahasa Inggris Aktif/PAsif

Kualifikasi :

~ Wanita Usia 19 – 27 Tahun
~ Berpenampilan Menarik
~ Jujur, Rajin
~ Multitasking
~ Mampu Bekerja Shifting
~ Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
~ Mampu Bekerja Secara Tim dan Mandiri/Sendiri

Kirim Lamaran :

Alamat Hotel : Jl. Hang Tuah 1 No: 2 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan (021) 7237322

Detail Lowongan Kerja :
Hotel Hang Tuah

Nama / Perusahaan: Hang Tuah Hotel
Kategori Loker : Resepsionis
Lokasi: Jakarta Selatan
Level Pekerjaan: Fresh Graduate
Syarat Pendidikan: SMA / SMK / STM
Gaji: Rp. 2.000.000 - Rp. 4.000.000
Tipe Pekerjaan: Tetap
Industri: Consumer Service


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