PT. Tigaraksa Satria. Tbk.(The Company) was founded in Jakarta, 17 November 1986 based on the Notarial Deed Number : 35 by MMI Wiardi,SH, a notary in jakarta. The Company is engaged in the business of a nationwade sales and FMCG distribution. Also, this Company comprises other businesses through a number of its business units and subsidiaries.

The Company's Article of Association has been amended several times through deed No.64 dated 20 August 2010 from Dr.Misahardi Wilamarta, SH,MH ,MKn.LLM, a notary In Jakarta. The amendment was made incompliance to BAPEPAM & LK (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan) regulation No.Kep-179/BU2008 deled 14May 2008.The last amendment of Article of Association has

obtained approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights through a Letter of Decree No.AHU - AH.01. 10 - 22918 dated 3 September 2010 and the recent changes took place with a deed No. 38 dated 14 April 2014 from Handi Putranto Wilamarta,SH,MH,MBA,as a replacement for Miki Tanumihardja, SH a notary in Jakarta The amendment of Article of Assodation has obtained approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights through a Letter of Decree No. AHU - 02579 - 40. 20. 2014 dated 12 May 2015.

Based on Article 3 of the article of association, scope of activity of the Company icludes trading. Industry. mining. transportation, farming, contractor, administration and printing agency.

The Company started its operation inJanuary 1988 by lak1ng over the distribution unit of PT.Tigaraksa (Holding), the founder and once the owner of 100% shares of the Company. Only 2 years and 4 months after commendng its operation,the Company listed its shares on April 21st1990 in Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchanges, both were Indonesia's capital markets. which then merged into Indonesia Stock Exchange since end or 2007
After becoming a public company. PT Tigaraksa Satria, Tbk. has developed significantly. Its core business comprises the consumer products sales & distribution has rapidly grown during its 28 years operations.

Nowadays, through Its business units and subsidiary Company, The Company has further developed 3 (three) other line of businesses,I.e.:sales & marketing of educational products: cooking gas refilling service and production & sales of kitchen appliances ,and manufacturing & packing services of powdered milks.


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