P&G ASEAN Business Challenge 2014 Indonesia Procter & Gamble - Jakarta -Jawa -Indonesia
Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G, NYSE: PG) merupakan perusahaan internasional yang memproduksi barang konsumen yang bergerak cepat. Kantor pusat P&G terletak di Cincinnati, Ohio, Amerika Serikat. Perusahaan ini didirikan tahun 1837. Perusahaan ini mempekerjakan 140.000 pekerja pada tahun 2005. Saat ini, P&G merupakan saingan dari Unilever.
P&G didirikan oleh William Procter, seorang pembuat lilin, dan James Gamble, seorang pembuat sabun. Keduanya menjadi ipar ketika menikah dengan kakak beradik Olivia dan Elizabeth Norris. Ide pendirian usaha bersama ini dirintis oleh Alexander Norris, mertua mereka, yang mengadakan pertemuan di mana ia membujuk Procter dan Gamble untuk menjadi partner bisnis. Pada tanggal 24 Agustus 1837, sebagai hasil dari pertemuan tersebut, Procter & Gamble didirikan. Tanggal inilah yang kemudian diperingati sebagai hari jadi P&G pada tiap tahunnya.
Pada tanggal 24 Agustus 1858-1859, penjualan P&G berhasil mencapai $1 juta. Di titik ini, P&G memiliki sekitar 80 karyawan yang bekerja di sana. Pada masa Perang Saudara Amerika Serikat, P&G memenangkan kontrak untuk menyuplai sabun dan lilin kepada Tentara Union. Selain memberikan profit tambahan, kontrak tersebut secara tidak langsung juga memperkenalkan prodk P&G ke tentara-tentara di seluruh wilayah Amerika Serikat.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
P&G ASEAN Business Challenge 2014 - Indonesia
This is your ultimate opportunity to experience working in P&G and in getting a short-cut to getting an internship offer from P&G. At the core of this Business Challenge, it is an intensive & gruelling competition with lots of fun which will unleash your leadership, teamwork, analytical & problem solving skills and creativity. It's all real-life challenging business situations and you are in the driver's seat to experience it all first hand!
In this P&G ASEAN Business Challenge, you will experience:
- Be part of the real action in planning & executing a marketing/selling plan out in the real world
- Get your analytical skills and creativity into test to solve real-life business case studies
- Work in a team with ASEAN talents from various top universities in the world
- Mingle & work with P&G Senior Managers - learn from their experience and advice
- Have some good fun yet productive and challenging. It's a life changing and monumental experience!
National Finals
30 selected Indonesian students will be competing in the National Finals in Jakarta in a 4-Day 3-Night residential program. Teams will be formed randomly and will face several challenges to be worked on as a team. The main challenge is not just to propose marketing/selling plan, but also to execute those plans in the real world right away. Winners from the National Finals will progress to the ASEAN Finals. Each winner will receive a prominent prize and fully paid trip to ASEAN Finals in Singapore which will be announced to the winners.
ASEAN Finals
30 ASEAN students, the winners from each country - the best ASEAN talents will come together to compete for the most ultimate & fiercest challenge which is to become the P&G ASEAN Business Challenge Champion. Teams will be formed randomly where each team will have multi-nationality team members and the challenges will require you to work in your "ASEAN Team". Your leadership, teamwork, analytical & problem solving skills and creativity will be put into test here. A truly real exposure of how you will work when you join us - Are You Ready for a New Challenge in P&G?
All related expenses during the event for the selected students will be paid for entirely by P&G. Participants of this Challenge who perform well during the Challenge and perform well in the interviews will be offered with internship offers. This is a great chance for you to secure an internship offer early and to secure a P&G job offer before you even graduate!
P&G ASEAN is looking for students who aim to get experience in the environment of a multinational company in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Industry. Only 30 Indonesian students will be selected for this Business Challenge.
The ideal candidates:
- are Min. Degree Holder with GPA 3.00 (scale 4),
- are in their penultimate year for a 4-year course, opportunities also available for 2nd and 3rd year students for a 3.5-year course
- are interested to start their career upon graduation with P&G in home country or within ASEAN countries or in our regional office in Singapore,
- combine leadership skills with strong analytical capabilities,
- available either for at least 8 weeks for an internship between July to September 2013
Requisition Number: ASI00000395 Job ID: ASI00000395-1
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