
Songster – Portfolio & Biography Template

This Songster Portfolio & Biography Template can be your first choice when developing a website if you want to establish a portfolio website or any other biography website. It is vital to pick a framework that includes all the functionality for a website to function correctly. You may take use of features like cross-browser compatibility, multilingual support, a beautiful image gallery, distinctive favicons, custom CSS & JS integration, and many more. There is also integration of the payment gateway and RTL support. A portfolio and biography website needs to look professional in order to persuade visitors without any trouble. Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 coding standards were used in its construction. Not just for portfolio or biography websites, but for other enterprises as well.       DEMO OR DOWNLOAD   This Songster Portfolio & Biography Template can be your first choice when developing a website if you want to establish a portfolio website or any other...

Bridal Gown Wedding Dress Designer Template

Bridal Gown Wedding Dress Designer Template has a lovely layout and vibrant design. Celebrate your special day with a gorgeous template that supports several languages, the Bootstrap framework, cross-browser compliance, custom favicons, YouTube video integration, and more. Everything has a wonderful style that is easy to customize. Your wedding website will be feature-rich and comprehensive so that you can beautifully exhibit all of your collections. It is completely responsive, creative, optimized for speed and SEO, among other things.       DEMO OR DOWNLOAD   Bridal Gown Wedding Dress Designer Template has a lovely layout and vibrant design. Celebrate your special day with a gorgeous template that supports several languages, the Bootstrap framework, cross-browser compliance, custom favicons, YouTube video integration, and more. Everything has a wonderful style that is easy to customize. Your wedding website will be feature-rich and comprehensive so that yo...

Car Dealer Template

Having a Car Dealer Template as a starting point will make it easier for you to create a website, regardless of whether you are selling new vehicles or dealing with used automobiles. Any business, no matter how big or small, may benefit from having an internet presence. This template's distinctive front end is ideal for your car business.  This template has amazing capabilities that are so cutting-edge and high-end that you won't have to fight to add any functionality to your website. The integration of Google Fonts, cross-browser compatibility, multilingual support, 100% responsive design, Bootstrap framework, customized CSS & JS integration, distinctive favicons, and more are among its features. DEMO AND DOWNLOAD   Having a Car Dealer Template as a starting point will make it easier for you to create a website, regardless of whether you are selling new vehicles or dealing with used automobiles. Any business, no matter how big or small, may benefit from having an in...

Steak Ayam Saus Tomat

Steak Ayam Saus Tomat adalah salah satu hidangan yang biasanya berupa daging ayam fillet bertepung dan biasanya disajikan dengan saus. Selain itu, steak ayam juga memiliki cita rasa gurih dan empuk sehingga digemari oleh banyak kalangan, pas sekali untuk teman makan malam atau bersantai. Bahan Yang Disiapkan: 4 fillet dada ayam tanpa kulit 1 sdt Royco kaldu ayam spesial 1/4 sdt merica putih bubuk 3 sdm minyak Saus tomat: 500 g tomat Saus tomat: 2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus Saus tomat: 1 buah bawang bombay, cincang halus Saus tomat: 1/2 sdm Royco kaldu ayam spesial Saus tomat: 1 sdt gula pasir Saus tomat: 1/4 sdt oregano kering Saus tomat: 1 sdm minyak, untuk menumis Saus tomat: 10 ml air (secukupnya), untuk merebus Pelengkap: 2 buah tomat belah 4 memanjang Steak Ayam Saus Tomat, Resep by Royco Cara Memasak: Lumuri daging ayam dengan Royco Kaldu Ayam Spesial dan merica. Diamkan dalam kulkas. Sisihkan. Saus tomat: Rebus air hingga mendidih. Masukkan tomat, masak hingga kulitn...

Sales Representative Machine PT Trakindo Utama Balikpapan

PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo) is the world-class heavy equipment solution provider of Caterpillar machines and engines in Indonesia. Trakindo was founded in 1970 by AHK Hamami and has been an authorized distributor for Caterpillar since 1971. Supported by world-class facilities and an extensive network of over 60 branches around the country, Trakindo delivers quality services to customers in the mining, construction, forestry, agriculture, oil and gas, marine and power generation industries. Committed to delivering excellence and enabling progression towards success, Trakindo is Advancing You Forward. PT Trakindo Utama Official Account: Online Store: Job Descriptions Location: Balikpapan Status: Contract Requirements: Male Minimum Diploma III graduates from reputable university Have sales passion, commission and target oriented Willingness to mobile across area (have driving license A). Minimum 3 years exper...

Lowongan Kerja Analyst Event Planner PT Trakindo Utama Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia

PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo) is the world-class heavy equipment solution provider of Caterpillar machines and engines in Indonesia. Trakindo was founded in 1970 by AHK Hamami and has been an authorized distributor for Caterpillar since 1971. Supported by world-class facilities and an extensive network of over 60 branches around the country, Trakindo delivers quality services to customers in the mining, construction, forestry, agriculture, oil and gas, marine and power generation industries.   PT Trakindo Utama   Official Account:  Online Store:  Website Industri Ritel Peralatan Kantor Job Descriptions Location: [[Samarinda Site]] Status: [[Contract/Permanent]] Job Description Responsible for following up and maintaining Service Ticket for planned event including process to open required Service Order. Responsible for providing quotation including supplementa...

6 Gedung Pencakar Langit Tertinggi di ASEAN

Pencakar langit adalah istilah buat menjelaskan suatu bangunan yang sangat tinggi. Sebuah konvensi di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa telah menjabarkan batasan minimal ketinggian gedung yang bisa disebut sebagai pencakar langit, yaitu 150 meter (490 kaki). Beberapa bangunan dengan ketinggian yang lebih pendek terkadang bisa juga disebut sebagai pencakar langit jika bangunan itu mendominasi daerah di sekitarnya. pemakaian kata pencakar langit untuk menyebutkan bangunan tinggi pertama kali digunakan pada akhir abad ke-19, mewakili ketakjuban masyarakat pada gedung-gedung tinggi yang dibangun di Kota New York. Sekarang ini, Burj Khalifa adalah pencakar langit tertinggi di dunia yang mempunyai ketinggian 828 meter dan terletak di Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab. sedangkan, Hong Kong menempati posisi pertama di dunia sebagai kota yang paling banyak memiliki pencakar langit daripada kota-kota lainnya. Hong Kong telah memiliki lebih dari 7.500 pencakar langit. Per November 2021, hanya tiga belas kota di...