
Gulai Nangka Padang

Nangka adalah nama sejenis pohon, sekaligus buahnya. Pohon nangka termasuk ke dalam suku Moraceae; nama ilmiahnya adalah Artocarpus heterophyllus. Berikut ini disajikan resep Gulai Nangka Padang yang tentu menggunakan bahan utama nangka. BAHAN : 1/4 kg iga sapi 500 gram nangka muda 7 helai kacang panjang 600 ml santan kental 2 batang serai geprek 4 lembar daun salam kering 6 lembar daun jeruk segar 1 jempol laos geprek 1 sdt ketumbar bubuk 1/2 sdt merica bubuk 1 biji cengkeh 1 biji kapulaga 1/2 bunga sisir / bunga lawang 1 cm kayu manis Kaldu bubuk Garam Gula pasir BUMBU HALUS : 7 siung bawang putih 10 siung bawang merah 3 buah cabe merah besar, buang bijinya 4 biji kemiri 1/4 jempol kunyit 1/2 jempol jahe CARA BUAT : Didihkan air lalu masukkan nangka dan rebus hingga mateng, angkat tiriskan dan buang air rebusan. Didihkan air lalu rebus iga sapi selama 15 menit kemudian buang air rebusan pertama, beri air kembali dan masak iga sapi sampai empuk Tumis bumbu halus sampai tanek, masukk...

Cara Membuat Elevator Pitch

Elevator pitch adalah deskripsi singkat tentang diri Anda. Istilah itu berasal dari cara Anda menyampaikan fakta-fakta secara singkat kepada orang yang Anda temui di lift. Tujuan elevator pitch adalah menjelaskan siapa Anda, apa yang Anda lakukan dan mengapa orang lain harus tertarik pada Anda. Misalnya, ini adalah elevator pitch saya untuk program ini: Nama saya Rob Clifton, saya adalah seorang Manajer Program di Google. Saya mengelola semua usaha perekrutan posisi IT Support junior kami. Saya telah mewawancarai ratusan kandidat, dan saya membantu melatih pewawancara kami menemukan bakat terbaik di industri ini. Saya menyampaikan siapa saya, apa yang saya lakukan, dan mengapa Anda mungkin tertarik dengan apa yang harus saya sampaikan. Dalam konteks wawancara, Anda harus dapat dengan cepat mendefinisikan siapa Anda, apa peran Anda saat ini dan apa tujuan masa depan Anda. Misalnya, jika Anda seorang pelajar, Anda sebaiknya menyertakan apa dan di mana Anda belajar, dan apa yang ingin An...

MSD Responsive Grid Style Blogger Template

MSD Responsive Grid Style Blogger Template is the latest blogger template. It is designed for MS Design. You can free download the MSD blogger template from us. Also, you can purchase the full version to unlock footer credit. It is the most professional and modern blogger template. MSD Grid Style Blogger Template MSD Grid style blogger template is our latest blogging template. It is a highly page speed and SEO optimized blogger template. Also, MSD is the Night Mode supported blogger template. You can use this template in any blogging website. If you grid lover, you can try our MSD blogger template.  Night Mode MSD Grid style blogger templates allow the user to activate the night mode by one click. It is the most popular feature of the modern blogger template right now. If you looking for a night mode or dark mode supported blogger template, then you can try our MSD blogger template. Excellent Performance MSD Blogger template was developed with the best optimization technique...

The AMP High Quality and AMP Blogger Template

The AMP High Quality and AMP Supported Blogger Template this is specially designed for an Event niche site. If you're looking for a blogger template for your event blog with AMP supported, then The AMP Blogger template will be perfect for you. Accelerated mobile pages in short (AMP) is an open-source project. This is the high search engine optimized (SEO) AMP Friendly blogger template. You can also use this template on your regular blog also. The AMP Blogger Template, this is our first published AMP supported blogger template. We're designing it professionally. In this time we're releasing The AMP initial version. After that, we regularly publish the updated version. Every buyer will get the updated version for free. The first time we run a demo site for tests with The AMP blogger template and we get positive result. See below screenshot.     DEMO & DOWNLOAD   The AMP High Quality and AMP Supported Blogger Template this is specially designed for an Event niche ...

Quick Mag Magazine Blogger Template

Quick Mag Magazine Blogger Template. Are you looking for a high-quality magazine type blogger template? Quick Mag blogger template is the super-fast SEO friendly Magazine and Newspaper blogger template for Blogspot platform. Quick Mag is specially designed for micro newspaper blogs or magazine website that running their blog on the Blogspot platform. This is our third 3 columns designed blogger template by ms design. Quick Mag Blogger Template is a high performed magazine blogger template. It is very easy to customize. If you like three columns blogger template for your blog, then you can try Quick Mag Magazine Blogger Template. Quick Mag is the fast loading and mobile-friendly blogger template for any kind of Mag blog. MS Ad Manager v1.0 for Quick Mag Introduce our new MS Ad Manager v1.0. The ultimate ad management system for blogger. Through using this feature, you can manage your all ad codes from the blogger layout. You can have a look of the MS Ad Manager and how it works by w...

JagoMag The Ultimate Magazine Blogger Template

JagoMag Ultimate Magazine Blogger Template. Introducing new and innovative newsletter blog templates. JagoMag is our biggest release this year. JagoMag is Templatemark's unlimited drag and drop layout box magazine blog template. JagoMag is a beautiful, powerful and flexible blog template for news, magazines and blog websites. It comes with many new features, easy to configure, custom theme options, full customization and great support.    JagoMag template is specially designed for magazine blogs and magazine sites with professional shortcode system. You can add mega menu in Jago Mag blogger template. In this template, we have used the popular and next-generation blog posts widget with 3 blog layout types and 2 widget types. JagoMag Magazine Blogger Style. JagoMag Magazine Blogger Template is a fast, flexible and powerful blog template for websites, blogs and websites. The JagoMag blogger template is highly customizable so you can create new and unique styles using just a few. ...

Blog News SEO Optimized Blogger Template

This is another blog-style news blogger template from MS Design. If you running any blog-style site then Blog News Template is perfect for you. This fully responsive, 100% SEO Optimized, and Superfast blogger template. Blog News blogger template, it has some simple and awesome features, like share button on the homepage, Responsive ad slots, Author bio box and etc. Blog news is a super-fast blogger template. Responsive design for all devices. The free version is open for all but if you choose it the buy full version. Now let's see some awesome features of this template. Blog News Blogger template has extra features that make your blog more attractive and faster. You may touch your visitor's mind using this blogger template. Now let's see other some features of Blog News Blogger Template.      DEMO & DOWNLOAD     This is another blog-style news blogger template from MS Design. If you running any blog-style site then Blog News Template is perfect for you. ...