
Tumis Jagung Muda

Bahan: 250 g jagung muda, potong serong 2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus 2 butir bawang merah, iris tipis 100 g petai, belah membujur dua bagian 100 g udang kecil, kupas 20 g daun melinjo, iris kasar 1 buah cabai hijau, iris serong 1 buah cabai merah, iris serong 1 sdm saus tiram 1 sdm kecap asin 1 sdm kecap manis Garam Merica Cara membuat: Tumis bawang merah dan putih hingga harum. Masukkan udang. Aduk hingga berubah warna. Masukkan petai. Aduk. Tambahkan jagung muda, cabai merah, dan cabai hijau. Aduk sambil diberi sedikit air. Masak sampai mendidih. Beri saus tiram, kecap asin, garam, dan merica. Masukkan daun melinjo. Aduk rata. Masak sampai matang. Angkat. Sajikan segera. Untuk 5 porsi

Infiniti QX50 Siap Bertarung di Pasar SUV

Infiniti memboyong mobil konsep SUV terbaru, QX50 ke Vietnam. Infiniti, divisi kendaraan mewah dari Nissan akan memperkenalkan secara global usai debut QX50 dalam Detroit Motor Show 2017 pada Januari ini. Melansir dari Sunday Express QX50 merupakan evolusi dari QX Sport Inspiration yang diluncurkan pada 2016 lalu, dimana Infiniti berambisi menjadikan QX50 sebagai SUV premium di generasi mid-size SUV. Dan peluncuran ini sekaligus memanfaatkan momen mulai membaiknya pasar automotif di Amerika Serikat. QX50 memiliki tampilan SUV mewah dan sporty seperti Jaguar F-OPace. Selain itu tongkrongan yang gagah dan dominan dengan aksen kurva dan garis yang tajam, serta krom berlapis tepi mirip dengan konsep Q8 Audi terbaru. Presiden Infiniti, Roland Krueger mengatakan bahwa peluncuran QX50 di Detroit Motor Show 2017 sangat lah penting. โ€œDengan kehadiran QX Sport Inspiration pada 2016 lalu di Beijing Auto Show, maka dengan QX50, kami akan menunjukkan masa depan model Infiniti QX,โ€ ujar...

LG Q6 Sediakan Layanan VoLTE

Layanan Voice over Long Term Evolution (VoLTE) akhirnya tersedia di smartphone LG Q6. VoLTE sendiri adalah bagian penting dari 4G. VoLTE merupakan kemampuan sebuah ponsel untuk bekerja pada jaringan 4G untuk data dan suara (voice) secara bersamaan. Fitur tersebut berbeda dengan smartphone yang belum mendukung VoLTE. Pada smartphone jenis ini, meski pengguna menjalankan aplikasi berbasis 4G namun untuk layanan suara, smartphone akan otomatis berjalan pada jaringan 3G. Hal inilah yang muncul sebagai gangguan pada saat terjadinya panggilan berbasis suara di tengah memainkan game. Dengan layanan VoLTE, tak hanya kualitas suara saat percakapan lebih baik yang menjadi keuntungan LG Q6. Lebih dari itu, layanan tersebut membuat LG Q6 menawarkan video call lebih stabil dan kemampuan multitasking menjalankan aplikasi berbasis 4G sekaligus menerima panggilan diantaranya dengan lebih lancar. โ€Disamping itu, layanan VoLTE pun memberi keuntungan bagi pemilik LG Q6 pada keterhubungan lebih...

FlexZine Blogger Template

FlexZine Blogger Template is a modern crafted premium and highly customizable Blogger Theme which can be used for every type of niche and looks awesome on mobile and tablet devices.  We have included a documentation folder to describe the file structure and customization. If there is something that you would like to know then we are happy to help you out.   DEMO & DOWNLOAD FlexZine Blogger Template is a modern crafted premium and highly customizable Blogger Theme which can be used for every type of niche and looks awesome on mobile and tablet devices.  We have included a documentation folder to describe the file structure and customization. If there is something that you would like to know then we are happy to help you out.

Sophie Minimal Blogger Template

Sophie Minimal Blogger Template is among one of the finest Minimalist Blogger Templates designed by Us with professional skills of development and designing minimalist blogger templates.  This template has a innovative Featured Slider which also supports video thumbnails, it has a premium design with more accessibility to the social media for the users. It is a fully responsive blog templates design which adapts its preciseness of design on any device such as mobile, computers, tablets, etc.    DEMO & DOWNLOAD  Sophie Minimal Blogger Template is among one of the finest Minimalist Blogger Templates designed by Us with professional skills of development and designing minimalist blogger templates.  This template has a innovative Featured Slider which also supports video thumbnails, it has a premium design with more accessibility to the social media for the users. It is a fully responsive blog templates design which adapts its pre...

InJob Blogger Template

InJob Blogger Template is suitable for online jobs search engine, freelancers, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind of creative is now able to create a quick & easy online job portal. InJob Blogger Template is the perfect one who are looking for a minimal and professional looking Template. One who is looking to create online job portal website and seeking for cool and niche design for their requirement, then this Template is made for you. InJob Blogger Template Design is classy and have all specifications that needs in perfect Job Portal website must have.   DEMO & DOWNLOAD InJob Blogger Template is suitable for online jobs search engine, freelancers, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind of creative is now able to create a quick & easy online job portal. InJob Blogger Template is the perfect one who are looking for a minimal and professional looking Template. One who is looking to create online job port...

Espire Blogger Template

Espire Blogger Template is a multi-purpose, clean, creative, fully responsive and powerful blogspot Theme. Our theme has included multiple featured widgets, powerful theme options panel, highly SEO optimized, 3 types of comment widget, many elements, Google Font and fontawesome. Great modern design and Powerful features makes Espire irresistible. Espire is the best choice for you to create a business, creative agency or personal, photography or a blogging website. This theme is a true multipurpose theme and could be easily adapted to suit any project.     DEMO & DOWNLOAD Espire Blogger Template is a multi-purpose, clean, creative, fully responsive and powerful blogspot Theme. Our theme has included multiple featured widgets, powerful theme options panel, highly SEO optimized, 3 types of comment widget, many elements, Google Font and fontawesome. Great modern design and Powerful features makes Espire irresistible. Espire is the best choice for you to cre...