PT. Tigaraksa Satria. Tbk.(The Company) was founded in Jakarta, 17 November 1986 based on the Notarial Deed Number : 35 by MMI Wiardi,SH, a notary in jakarta. The Company is engaged in the business of a nationwade sales and FMCG distribution. Also, this Company comprises other businesses through a number of its business units and subsidiaries. The Company's Article of Association has been amended several times through deed No.64 dated 20 August 2010 from Dr.Misahardi Wilamarta, SH,MH ,MKn.LLM, a notary In Jakarta. The amendment was made incompliance to BAPEPAM & LK (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan) regulation No.Kep-179/BU2008 deled 14May 2008.The last amendment of Article of Association has obtained approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights through a Letter of Decree No.AHU - AH.01. 10 - 22918 dated 3 September 2010 and the recent changes took place with a deed No. 38 dated 14 April 2014 from Handi Putranto Wilamarta,SH,MH,MBA,as a replacement...