
Showing posts from 2017

Tumis Jagung Muda

Bahan: 250 g jagung muda, potong serong 2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus 2 butir bawang merah, iris tipis 100 g petai, belah membujur dua bagian 100 g udang kecil, kupas 20 g daun melinjo, iris kasar 1 buah cabai hijau, iris serong 1 buah cabai merah, iris serong 1 sdm saus tiram 1 sdm kecap asin 1 sdm kecap manis Garam Merica Cara membuat: Tumis bawang merah dan putih hingga harum. Masukkan udang. Aduk hingga berubah warna. Masukkan petai. Aduk. Tambahkan jagung muda, cabai merah, dan cabai hijau. Aduk sambil diberi sedikit air. Masak sampai mendidih. Beri saus tiram, kecap asin, garam, dan merica. Masukkan daun melinjo. Aduk rata. Masak sampai matang. Angkat. Sajikan segera. Untuk 5 porsi

Infiniti QX50 Siap Bertarung di Pasar SUV

Infiniti memboyong mobil konsep SUV terbaru, QX50 ke Vietnam. Infiniti, divisi kendaraan mewah dari Nissan akan memperkenalkan secara global usai debut QX50 dalam Detroit Motor Show 2017 pada Januari ini. Melansir dari Sunday Express QX50 merupakan evolusi dari QX Sport Inspiration yang diluncurkan pada 2016 lalu, dimana Infiniti berambisi menjadikan QX50 sebagai SUV premium di generasi mid-size SUV. Dan peluncuran ini sekaligus memanfaatkan momen mulai membaiknya pasar automotif di Amerika Serikat. QX50 memiliki tampilan SUV mewah dan sporty seperti Jaguar F-OPace. Selain itu tongkrongan yang gagah dan dominan dengan aksen kurva dan garis yang tajam, serta krom berlapis tepi mirip dengan konsep Q8 Audi terbaru. Presiden Infiniti, Roland Krueger mengatakan bahwa peluncuran QX50 di Detroit Motor Show 2017 sangat lah penting. “Dengan kehadiran QX Sport Inspiration pada 2016 lalu di Beijing Auto Show, maka dengan QX50, kami akan menunjukkan masa depan model Infiniti QX,” ujar...

LG Q6 Sediakan Layanan VoLTE

Layanan Voice over Long Term Evolution (VoLTE) akhirnya tersedia di smartphone LG Q6. VoLTE sendiri adalah bagian penting dari 4G. VoLTE merupakan kemampuan sebuah ponsel untuk bekerja pada jaringan 4G untuk data dan suara (voice) secara bersamaan. Fitur tersebut berbeda dengan smartphone yang belum mendukung VoLTE. Pada smartphone jenis ini, meski pengguna menjalankan aplikasi berbasis 4G namun untuk layanan suara, smartphone akan otomatis berjalan pada jaringan 3G. Hal inilah yang muncul sebagai gangguan pada saat terjadinya panggilan berbasis suara di tengah memainkan game. Dengan layanan VoLTE, tak hanya kualitas suara saat percakapan lebih baik yang menjadi keuntungan LG Q6. Lebih dari itu, layanan tersebut membuat LG Q6 menawarkan video call lebih stabil dan kemampuan multitasking menjalankan aplikasi berbasis 4G sekaligus menerima panggilan diantaranya dengan lebih lancar. ”Disamping itu, layanan VoLTE pun memberi keuntungan bagi pemilik LG Q6 pada keterhubungan lebih...

FlexZine Blogger Template

FlexZine Blogger Template is a modern crafted premium and highly customizable Blogger Theme which can be used for every type of niche and looks awesome on mobile and tablet devices.  We have included a documentation folder to describe the file structure and customization. If there is something that you would like to know then we are happy to help you out.   DEMO & DOWNLOAD FlexZine Blogger Template is a modern crafted premium and highly customizable Blogger Theme which can be used for every type of niche and looks awesome on mobile and tablet devices.  We have included a documentation folder to describe the file structure and customization. If there is something that you would like to know then we are happy to help you out.

Sophie Minimal Blogger Template

Sophie Minimal Blogger Template is among one of the finest Minimalist Blogger Templates designed by Us with professional skills of development and designing minimalist blogger templates.  This template has a innovative Featured Slider which also supports video thumbnails, it has a premium design with more accessibility to the social media for the users. It is a fully responsive blog templates design which adapts its preciseness of design on any device such as mobile, computers, tablets, etc.    DEMO & DOWNLOAD  Sophie Minimal Blogger Template is among one of the finest Minimalist Blogger Templates designed by Us with professional skills of development and designing minimalist blogger templates.  This template has a innovative Featured Slider which also supports video thumbnails, it has a premium design with more accessibility to the social media for the users. It is a fully responsive blog templates design which adapts its pre...

InJob Blogger Template

InJob Blogger Template is suitable for online jobs search engine, freelancers, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind of creative is now able to create a quick & easy online job portal. InJob Blogger Template is the perfect one who are looking for a minimal and professional looking Template. One who is looking to create online job portal website and seeking for cool and niche design for their requirement, then this Template is made for you. InJob Blogger Template Design is classy and have all specifications that needs in perfect Job Portal website must have.   DEMO & DOWNLOAD InJob Blogger Template is suitable for online jobs search engine, freelancers, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind of creative is now able to create a quick & easy online job portal. InJob Blogger Template is the perfect one who are looking for a minimal and professional looking Template. One who is looking to create online job port...

Espire Blogger Template

Espire Blogger Template is a multi-purpose, clean, creative, fully responsive and powerful blogspot Theme. Our theme has included multiple featured widgets, powerful theme options panel, highly SEO optimized, 3 types of comment widget, many elements, Google Font and fontawesome. Great modern design and Powerful features makes Espire irresistible. Espire is the best choice for you to create a business, creative agency or personal, photography or a blogging website. This theme is a true multipurpose theme and could be easily adapted to suit any project.     DEMO & DOWNLOAD Espire Blogger Template is a multi-purpose, clean, creative, fully responsive and powerful blogspot Theme. Our theme has included multiple featured widgets, powerful theme options panel, highly SEO optimized, 3 types of comment widget, many elements, Google Font and fontawesome. Great modern design and Powerful features makes Espire irresistible. Espire is the best choice for you to cre...

Icofp Blogger Template

Icofp Blogger Template is a Blogger theme that lets you write articles and blog posts with ease. It is fully responsive, retina ready and has many powerful features. We offer great support and friendly help! The Icofp Blogger Template is excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, educational or publishing site. It uses the best clean SEO practices, and on top of that, it’s fast, simple, and easy to use. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Icofp Blogger Template is a Blogger theme that lets you write articles and blog posts with ease. It is fully responsive, retina ready and has many powerful features. We offer great support and friendly help! The Icofp Blogger Template is excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, educational or publishing site. It uses the best clean SEO practices, and on top of that, it’s fast, simple, and easy to use.

Seo Boost Blogger Template

Seo Boost Blogger Template is a perfect responsive and gorgeous SEO friendly and SEO optimized Blogger Template. Seo Boost is coded in a new way, where it loads everything async and have carefully enqueued scripts so it loads as quickly as possible. It is specially designed for any kind of newspaper, blog, magazine, portal and personal type website. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Seo Boost Blogger Template is a perfect responsive and gorgeous SEO friendly and SEO optimized Blogger Template. Seo Boost is coded in a new way, where it loads everything async and have carefully enqueued scripts so it loads as quickly as possible. It is specially designed for any kind of newspaper, blog, magazine, portal and personal type website.

Spesifikasi Asus ROG GL753

Asus merilis notebook gaming Republic of Gamers terbarunya yakni Asus ROG STRIX GL753 dengan rangkaian spesifikasi yang semakin disempurnakan. Kali ini, ROG STRIX GL753 tidak hanya datang dengan teknologi display yang lebih canggih dan lebar besar, notebook tersebut pun mempunyai media penyimpanan yang lebih luas. Perkembangan dunia game yang tiada habis-habisnya menuntut para penggemarnya alias para gamer, terus meng-update perangkatnya agar ideal dan sanggup memainkan konten game kekinian. Hal tersebut agar para gamer dapat memaksimalkan kualitas game yang tengah dimainkannya, demi mendapatkan kepuasan maksimal. “Keseruan dalam game baru akan terasa ketika pemainnya mampu memaksimalkan kualitas permainan yang ada pada game tersebut, seperti tampilan grafis, gameplay serta kelancaran dalam memainkannya,” ucap Galip Fu, Country Marketing Manager, Asus Indonesia, melalui keterangan tertulisnya, Jumat (13/10/2017). ROG STRIX GL753VE telah mendapatkan penyempurnaan jeroan internal diban...

Faster Fast Loading Blogger Template

Faster Fast Loading Blogger Template is fast, optimized and multi-purpose, highly customizable blogspot theme, that will be a perfect choice for event and authority blogs. It loads in no time, and will give your blog a initial boost in those regions where internet connections are slow. We have designed Faster with highly optimized codes and latest trends, so that it will perform at its best, Loaded with various customizable option and simple design it become's the most customizable theme available for blogger. Faster is designed by our talents and passion, we take care any details to make it look perfect. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Faster Fast Loading Blogger Template is fast, optimized and multi-purpose, highly customizable blogspot theme, that will be a perfect choice for event and authority blogs. It loads in no time, and will give your blog a initial boost in those regions where internet connections are slow. We have designed Faster with highly optimized code...

Hot Games Gaming Blogger Template

Hot Games Gaming Blogger Template is a perfectly crafted template for gaming, store and magazine websites. This template is suitable for any game portal, startup, news portal or just your personal website or blog. Write blog posts and share your news. Many elements (shortcodes) are ready to use. Created using the latest Html5 & CSS3, it gives you the possibility of creating a sleek, eye-catching online magazine, blog, gaming or personal project site.   DEMO & DOWNLOAD Hot Games Gaming Blogger Template is a perfectly crafted template for gaming, store and magazine websites. This template is suitable for any game portal, startup, news portal or just your personal website or blog. Write blog posts and share your news. Many elements (shortcodes) are ready to use. Created using the latest Html5 & CSS3, it gives you the possibility of creating a sleek, eye-catching online magazine, blog, gaming or personal project site.

MeshMag Responsive Blogger Template

MeshMag Responsive Blogger Template is a Multi-Purpose Newspaper, Magazine Blogger Template best suited for sites that deliver news about Technology, Fashion, Sports, Video, Healthy, Travel, etc. With SEO optimized MeshMag, you not only will receive a beautiful, modern website but also you’ll have access to lifetime updates at no extra cost. Making this an excellent Magazine Blogger themes for Magazine, Newspaper and Blog websites.    DEMO & DOWNLOAD MeshMag Responsive Blogger Template is a Multi-Purpose Newspaper, Magazine Blogger Template best suited for sites that deliver news about Technology, Fashion, Sports, Video, Healthy, Travel, etc. With SEO optimized MeshMag, you not only will receive a beautiful, modern website but also you’ll have access to lifetime updates at no extra cost. Making this an excellent Magazine Blogger themes for Magazine, Newspaper and Blog websites.

Publico Blogger Template

Publico Responsive Blogger Template is a clean modern fast and easy to use Magazine Blogger Theme. Packed with everything you need to set up a beautiful blog & news website, its modern simple design, easy to maintenance and impeccable polish in every detail with friendly support.   DEMO & DOWNLOAD Publico Responsive Blogger Template is a clean modern fast and easy to use Magazine Blogger Theme. Packed with everything you need to set up a beautiful blog & news website, its modern simple design, easy to maintenance and impeccable polish in every detail with friendly support.

Spike Blog Blogger Template

Spike Blog Blogger Template is a Lite theme blogspot theme that is highly versatile and fit for use in multiple blogging niches. It is skilfully developed with excellent SEO features and lightning fast speed. It is also fully responsive with an attractive display of content across all screen sizes and modern browsers. With a modern, responsive design, a stunning layout with lots best optimization and a slew of top-end features; this is a template that can allow you to compete with the top players in your niche. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Spike Blog Blogger Template is a Lite theme blogspot theme that is highly versatile and fit for use in multiple blogging niches. It is skilfully developed with excellent SEO features and lightning fast speed. It is also fully responsive with an attractive display of content across all screen sizes and modern browsers. With a modern, responsive design, a stunning layout with lots best optimization and a slew of top-end features; this is a template...

Robin Blog Blogger Template

BPress Responsive Blogger Template is a simple blog template with premium feel that is suitable for news, tech, review, school, movie, gadget, video, howTo etc blogs. Carefully handcrafted and designed with ease of use, functionality and flexibility in mind. It has a modern and bold design which will make your readers always return for more. Speed, security, SEO and social integration – all in one blogger template. Robin is suitable for beginners and experts alike. Start writing, publishing, advertising and sharing in minutes. DEMO & DOWNLOAD BPress Responsive Blogger Template is a simple blog template with premium feel that is suitable for news, tech, review, school, movie, gadget, video, howTo etc blogs. Carefully handcrafted and designed with ease of use, functionality and flexibility in mind. It has a modern and bold design which will make your readers always return for more. Speed, security, SEO and social integration – all in one blogger template. Robin is suitab...

Eva Fashion Blogger Template

Eva Fashion Blogger Template is a fashion focused blogger template mainly made for female entrepreneurs. Responsive blogger template with clean & modern design for your online fashion blog and other websites. Eva is fully responsive to looks perfect on all types of screens and devices. It is a perfect fit for various types of online website such as Fashion, Clothes, Men Fashion, Women Fashion, Kids Fashion, Accessories, Jewelries, Shoes and many more. The design is very elegant and modern, and also very easy to customize without touching a single line of CODE. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Eva Fashion Blogger Template is a fashion focused blogger template mainly made for female entrepreneurs. Responsive blogger template with clean & modern design for your online fashion blog and other websites. Eva is fully responsive to looks perfect on all types of screens and devices. It is a perfect fit for various types of online website such as Fashion, Clothes, Men Fashion, Women Fash...

Basil Portfolio Blogger Template

Basil Portfolio Blogger Template is a Modern and Clean MultiPurpose Blogger Template for showcase your portfolio, cv, and personal information. Built using HTML5 and CSS3 with a clean code so that it can be edited without complications. The template is 100% responsive and very easy to customize to your purpose.Customizing is easy even for beginners, but if you need help with customizing or setting up this theme, we will be glad to help you. Just contact us via our contact us page. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Basil Portfolio Blogger Template  is a Modern and Clean MultiPurpose Blogger Template for showcase your portfolio, cv, and personal information. Built using HTML5 and CSS3 with a clean code so that it can be edited without complications. The template is 100% responsive and very easy to customize to your purpose.Customizing is easy even for beginners, but if you need help with customizing or setting up this theme, we will be glad to help you. Just contact us via our contact...

Robin Blog Blogger Template

BPress Responsive Blogger Template is a simple blog template with premium feel that is suitable for news, tech, review, school, movie, gadget, video, howTo etc blogs. Carefully handcrafted and designed with ease of use, functionality and flexibility in mind. It has a modern and bold design which will make your readers always return for more. Speed, security, SEO and social integration – all in one blogger template. Robin is suitable for beginners and experts alike. Start writing, publishing, advertising and sharing in minutes. DEMO & DOWNLOAD BPress Responsive Blogger Template is a simple blog template with premium feel that is suitable for news, tech, review, school, movie, gadget, video, howTo etc blogs. Carefully handcrafted and designed with ease of use, functionality and flexibility in mind. It has a modern and bold design which will make your readers always return for more. Speed, security, SEO and social integration – all in one blogger template. Ro...

Eva Fashion Blogger Template

Eva Fashion Blogger Template is a fashion focused blogger template mainly made for female entrepreneurs. Responsive blogger template with clean & modern design for your online fashion blog and other websites. Eva is fully responsive to looks perfect on all types of screens and devices. It is a perfect fit for various types of online website such as Fashion, Clothes, Men Fashion, Women Fashion, Kids Fashion, Accessories, Jewelries, Shoes and many more. The design is very elegant and modern, and also very easy to customize without touching a single line of CODE. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Eva Fashion Blogger Template is a fashion focused blogger template mainly made for female entrepreneurs. Responsive blogger template with clean & modern design for your online fashion blog and other websites. Eva is fully responsive to looks perfect on all types of screens and devices. It is a perfect fit for various types of online website such as Fashion, Clothes, Men Fashion...

BPress Responsive Blogger Template

BPress Responsive Blogger Template is an advance and professional looking premium blogger template, we have designed Bpress with latest and updated HTML5/CSS3 to perform better than any other magazine template. It is a news magazine template mainly suitable for blogs like tech, news, magazine, food, recipe, travel agency, institution, job portals, banking, charity, review, youtube videos etc. Bpress is very fast loading and scores higher in seo checking tool. We have specially tweaked this template so that it will achieve great in search engine rankings. There are total 12 different types of featured widgets available in this template.   DEMO & DOWNLOAD BPress Responsive Blogger Template is an advance and professional looking premium blogger template, we have designed Bpress with latest and updated HTML5/CSS3 to perform better than any other magazine template. It is a news magazine template mainly suitable for blogs like tech, news, magazine, food, recipe, ...

Top News Blogger Template

Top News Blogger Template is perfect for online jobs search engine, freelancers, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind of creative is now able to create a quick & easy online job portal. Sora Jobs Blogger Template is the perfect theme for those, who are looking for a minimal and professional looking Templates. Top News Blogger Template is perfect for online jobs search engine, freelancers, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind of creative is now able to create a quick & easy online job portal. Sora Jobs Blogger Template is the perfect theme for those, who are looking for a minimal and professional looking Templates.     DEMO & DOWNLOAD Top News Blogger Template is perfect for online jobs search engine, freelancers, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind of creative is now able to create a quick & easy online job portal. Sora Jobs Blogger Template is the perfect theme for...

Spedd Pro Adsense Friendly Blogger Template

Anda mungkin sering gonta ganti template dan sering mengedit sana sini hanya untuk mendapatkan high ctr dengan speed yang baik, atau yang sering ditolak dalam percobaan daftar adsense. Speed Pro adsense ini sangat cocok untuk problem tersebut, koleksi template premium mas Randi Wibowo ini didesain sangat simple untuk blogging, nyaman untuk dinavigasi dan sangat ringan. Berikut ini beberapa keunggulan template Speed Pro Adsense: Desain yang sangat simple namun terlihat sangat profesional Cocok untuk yang main adsense, maupun yang mau daftar adsense Sangat ringan untuk dinavigasi Full support SEO Friendly, Mobile Friendly, High Speed, Breadcrumb, Related post, ads ready,post berdasarkan label, high ctr, dll You may often mutually replace templates and often edit here and there just to get a high ctr with speed is good, or that is often denied in the experiment adsense list. Speed Pro adsense is very suitable for the problem, a collection of premium templa...

Emporio V2 Template SEO Friendly Terbaru

Seo v6 - Template seo friendly Emporio v2 merupakan template bawaan blogger terbaru 2017 yang sudah di optimalkan pembuatnya menjadi lebih simple, ads ready dan seo friendly. dengan balutan warna yang berbeda memberikan tampilan lebih elegant untuk dipandang. Untuk page speed template sudah dioptimalkan dengan score terbaik, sehingga loading template menjadi lebih cepat dan ringan. Tentunya nilai ini akan menjadi nilai tambah untuk kategori seo friendly dan bisa menjadi kepuasan visitor untuk berselancar di blog anda. Widget ads sudah terpasang pada header yang sudah dikombinasikan dengan ccs yang responsive, jadi sangat sesuai dengan ads jenis responsive dimana ukuran ads bisa menyesuaikan dengan ukuran layar yang digunakan - Seo v6. DEMO & DOWNLOAD SEO-seo friendly Templates v6 Emporio v2 default blogger template is latest in 2017 to optimize its creator become more simple, ads ready and seo friendly. with a wrap of different colors gives the look more elega...

Evento Event Blogger Template

Evento Event Blogger Template is a event and niche focused blogger template, it is higly SEO optimized and fast loading blogger template. Mainly focused for Event blogs and Niche blogs but it can be used for many others niche's like tech, news, authority, howTo, food, recipe, travel, daily blog, online projects, school, institutions etc. We have tweaked this template at its very extreme to perform great in search engines, the simplicity and minimalist looks of this template makes it fast loading and it will load rapidly fat in slow connections too. Evento comes with multi dropdown menu, related post width, customized navigation with title etc. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Evento Event Blogger Template is a event and niche focused blogger template, it is higly SEO optimized and fast loading blogger template. Mainly focused for Event blogs and Niche blogs but it can be used for many others niche's like tech, news, authority, howTo, food, recipe, travel, daily blog, online pro...

Seo Sports Mag Blogger Template

Seo Sports Mag Blogger Template is a Multi-Purpose Newspaper, Magazine Blogger Theme best suited for sites that deliver news about Technology, Fashion, Sports, Video, Healthy, Travel, etc. With SEO Sports, you only will not receive a beautiful, modern website but also you’ll have access to lifetime updates at no extra cost. Making this an excellent value Blogger themes for Magazine, Newspaper and Blog websites. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Seo Sports Mag Blogger Template is a Multi-Purpose Newspaper, Magazine Blogger Theme best suited for sites that deliver news about Technology, Fashion, Sports, Video, Healthy, Travel, etc. With SEO Sports, you only will not receive a beautiful, modern website but also you’ll have access to lifetime updates at no extra cost. Making this an excellent value Blogger themes for Magazine, Newspaper and Blog websites.

Sora Jobs Blogger Template

Sora Jobs Blogger Template is perfect for online jobs search engine, freelancers, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind of creative is now able to create a quick & easy online job portal. Sora Jobs Blogger Template is the perfect theme for those, who are looking for a minimal and professional looking Templates. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Sora Jobs Blogger Template is perfect for online jobs search engine, freelancers, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind of creative is now able to create a quick & easy online job portal. Sora Jobs Blogger Template is the perfect theme for those, who are looking for a minimal and professional looking Templates.

SeoHub Fast Loading Blogger Template

SeoHub Fast Loading Blogger Template is the most SEO friendly and fast loading blogger template you can find on the net. SeoHub blogger template is made with best SEO tactics and super clean code to perform better in search engine results. With SeoHub you can create your niche or event site very easily it can be used for, news, tech, daily blog, tutorials, events, authority blogs etc. This template has very advance but simple codes which will boost your blog traffic and deliver top level performance. SeoHub helps you go from blogger to boss by giving you the most professional-looking and functioning news site on the net. DEMO & DOWNLOAD SeoHub Fast Loading Blogger Template is the most SEO friendly and fast loading blogger template you can find on the net. SeoHub blogger template is made with best SEO tactics and super clean code to perform better in search engine results. With SeoHub you can create your niche or event site very easily it can be used for, news, tech, da...

5 Negara dengan Koneksi Internet Tercepat di Dunia

Koneksi Internet kini menjadi salah satu kebutuhan manusia. Tanpa internet, smartphone yang banyak digandrungi manusia ini tak mampu beroperasi dengan optimal. Oleh karenanya, kebutuhan jaringan internet yang cepat tak lagi dapat dielakkan. Seperti diketahui, kecepatan jaringan internet dapat membantu manusia melangsungkan berbagai aktivitasnya bahkan membantunya menyelesaikan pekerjaan. Disadur dari, berikut 5 Negara dengan Koneksi Internet Tercepat di Dunia . Korea Selatan Tak hanya menjadi salah satu raksasa teknologi perangkat elektronik, Korea Selatan juga tercatat memiliki jaringan internet tercepat di dunia. Kecepatan internet di negara ini mencapai 37,5 megabyte per second (Mbps). Norwegia Jajaran kedua dari negara dengan internet yang cepat yakni Norwegia. Negara ini mampu memfasilitasi jaringan internet dengan kecepatan mencapai 34,77 Mbps. Hungaria Hungaria juga tercatat sebagai salah satu negara dengan koneksi internet yang t...

Newsflash Blogger Template

Newsflash Blogger Template is a unique and fast loading blogger template best suitable for tech blogs, news blogs, multi purpose blog, authority blogs, niche blogs, event blogs, food, recipe, travel, sports, daily blog etc. If you're looking to give your Blogger site a whole new look, touch and feel then Newsflash Blogger Template is a perfect choice. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Newsflash Blogger Template is a unique and fast loading blogger template best suitable for tech blogs, news blogs, multi purpose blog, authority blogs, niche blogs, event blogs, food, recipe, travel, sports, daily blog etc. If you're looking to give your Blogger site a whole new look, touch and feel then Newsflash Blogger Template is a perfect choice.

Ratio Blogger Template

Ratio Blogger Template is a minimalist, responsive, seo friendly blogger template. Using ratio template you can easily show your stories, express yourself and photos. We know that you need a simple theme and fully customizable which you can manipulate in very short time and that’s why we’ve created ratio A template with modern look and user friendly setting and look. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Ratio Blogger Template is a minimalist, responsive, seo friendly blogger template. Using ratio template you can easily show your stories, express yourself and photos. We know that you need a simple theme and fully customizable which you can manipulate in very short time and that’s why we’ve created ratio A template with modern look and user friendly setting and look.

SimpleON - Responsive Blogger Theme for Viral Content and Publishers

SimpleON  is a flexible, clean, mobile-friendly, simple responsive Blogger theme, perfect for any news, viral content websites, personal blog or publishers. The theme is developed using SEO in mind, so that you can easily climb the Google ranking. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Fearured : Mobile Friendly -  check Fully Responsive Design -  check Validated Structured Data -  check SEO Ready -  check Support HTTPS (SSL) Validated For Adsense High CTR Ads Ready Respsive Ad Slot Respsive MiddlePost Ad Slot Fast loading Advance Search Engine Optimization Responsive Menu Sidebar sticky widget Colorful Most Recent Post Widget Facebook Comment Onclick Event Facebook Comment Hover event dropdown menu in Desktop Onclick event dropdown menu in Tablet/Mobile Elegant and Responsive Social Share Button Auto resize thumbnail image Related Post with thumbnail Show-hide Search Column Responsive (inline header) 2 Column Sidebar Right Breadcr...