
Showing posts from December, 2016

Lowongan Kerja Abu Corp

Seiring berkembangnya jaringan bisnis ABU CORP, Kami memberikan kesempatan kepada anda yang tertarik serta memiliki skill dan pengalaman di bidang Social Media Management, Copywriting, dan Digital Marketing untuk berkembang bersama kami. Apakah Anda orang yang kami cari? Ayo segera ajukan lamaran anda! Posisi yang tersedia : 1. Advertising Copywriting (AC) 2. Digital Marketing Officer (DGM) 3. Social Media Officer (SMO) Persyaratan : 1. SURAT LAMARAN (pdf) 2. CURRICULUM VITAE (pdf) 3. PAS FOTO 4X6 (jpeg) 4. SCAN IJAZAH TERAKHIR (jpeg) 5. SCAN KTP (jpeg) 6. PORTOFOLIO (pdf) Satukan file dalam bentuk zip/rar dan cantumkan bersama email pendaftaran Persyaratan : 1. Pria/Wanita usia Max. 27 Tahun belum menikah (1,2,3) 2. Pendidikan min. S1 Semua Jurusan (1,2,3) 3. Mempunyai pengalaman di bidangnya min. 1 tahun (1,2,3) 5. Menguasai Project Management (2) 6. Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik, Berpenampilan Menarik dan Rapih (1,2,3) 7. Mengua...

Lowongan Kerja PT MALEA Hydropower

Kalla Group merupakan salah satu kelompok usaha yang terbesar di kawasan timur Indonesia, kendali usaha berpusat di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Adapun bidang usaha inti tersebar diberbagai wilayah Indonesia. Sejalan dengan pesatnya perkembangan di Kawasan Timur Indonesia serta sebagai wujud kepedulian dalam mendukung pembangunan di wilayah ini, maka dari pada itu PT MALEA Hydropower, yang merupakan perusahaan Kalla Group dalam bidang Pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA), saat ini membutuhkan Tenaga Profesional di bidangnya untuk pekerjaan : Posisi : Miner Persyaratan : Pendidikan SMA atau sederajat Laki laki Usia 20 thn sampai dengan 45 thn Pengalaman kerja terowongan minimal 3 Tahun Berdomisili di Sulawesi Kirim berkas lamaran dengan menuliskan posisi pada subjek Email ke: atau HRD PT Malea Hydropower Wisma Kalla Lt. 6, Jl. Dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 8-10 Makassar Batas penerimaan berkas Januari 2017

Sora Ads Blogger Template

Sora Ads is a perfect ad optimized blogger theme for Adsense users and Affiliate Marketers to get high earnings through advertisements by increasing the click through rate(CTR). This excellent Adsense ready blogger template has very impressive layouts that let you insert the ads at the high-conversion places and gently push your audience to click them. We have also done the speed optimization feature and thus, you never need to worry about the loading speed of your site. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Sora Ads is a perfect ad optimized blogger theme for Adsense users and Affiliate Marketers to get high earnings through advertisements by increasing the click through rate(CTR). This excellent Adsense ready blogger template has very impressive layouts that let you insert the ads at the high-conversion places and gently push your audience to click them. We have also done the speed optimization feature and thus, you never need to worry about the loading speed of your site.

iSimple Classic Blogger Template

iSimple Classic is a beautiful combination of elegance and simplicity. It is based on Flat UI which provides a great touch and feel to this template. We've tried to give it a hint feel of modern layout as well, so it blends well with your website. You can use it on your personal blogger templates or it can also be used on your professional blog, either way it can support any website belonging to any category. DEMO & DOWNLOAD iSimple Classic is a beautiful combination of elegance and simplicity. It is based on Flat UI which provides a great touch and feel to this template. We've tried to give it a hint feel of modern layout as well, so it blends well with your website. You can use it on your personal blogger templates or it can also be used on your professional blog, either way it can support any website belonging to any category.

Lowongan Kerja Driver PT. GOS Indoraya Makassar

PT. Gos Indoraya membuka lowongan untuk posisi DRIVER penempatan Makassar Kualifikasi: 1. Pria 2. Usia Max 38 Tahun 3. Pendidikan min. SMA 4. Memiliki SIM B1/B2 Umum 5. Jujur , bertanggung jawab dan disiplin Kelengkapan berkas: 1. Surat Lamaran 2. CV 3. F.c Ijazah terakhir 4. F.c Transkrip Nilai 5. F.c Kartu Keluarga & KTP 6. Pas Foto 3x4 (2 lbr) 7. F.c SIM B1/B2 Umum 8. F.c SKCK 9. F.c NPWP (bila sudah ada) lamaran diantar ke alamat Jl.Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.12 Kompleks Griya Alam Permai, Ruko No.9 (Belakang Kampus LP3I) atau kirim via email ke (cc kan ke dgn Subjek "Lamaran Driver" atau hbungi (0411)581694 & 085242758080 (No SMS)

Lowongan Kerja Rumah Sakit Haji Darjad Samarinda

Kami RS. H. Darjad Samarinda yang bergerak di bidang jasa pelayanan kesehatan, membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk menempati posisi : Perawat (  PWT ) Receptionist (RCP) Maintenance  (MTN) Doorlady (DL/DM ) Bidan ( BDN ) Driver (DRV) Design Grafis Wanita (DSG) Persyaratan : Wanita / Pria Maksimal 25 tahun Tinggi 155Cm ( point 1,2,4 & 5 ), tinggi 160Cm ( point 2 ) Berpenampilan menarik Pendidikan minimal SLTA / SMK  (  point 2,4,6 ), minimal DIII keperawatan & kebidanan (point 1&5), minimal DIII Design Grafis/Komputer ( point 7 ), minimal SMK/DIII Teknik ( point 3 ) IPK Minimal 3,00 (1,3,5,7) Berpengalaman /  Fresh Graduate (point 1-7) Belum menikah (point  1,2,4,5,7) Bersedia bekerja shift ( point 1 - 6) Melampirkan  pas foto terbaru warna (4x6) 2 lembar , surat lamaran kerja,  CV, Surat Berkelakuan baik, Surat pengalaman kerja,  Ijazah terakhir. Mencantumkan no handphone yang bisa dihubungi ...

Spectrum Blogger Template

Spectrum is a very cool design template having elegant rainbow style live colors. I personally liked the grace and color combination of this blogger template. I am sure there must be many others searching to have Spectrum template for blogger. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Spectrum is a very cool design template having elegant rainbow style live colors. I personally liked the grace and color combination of this blogger template. I am sure there must be many others searching to have Spectrum template for blogger.

Groovy Blogger Template

Groovy is among one of the finest Free Blogger Templates with their professional skills of development and designing best blogger templates. This template has a premium fashion magazine design, which gives a overall clean & elegant style. It is a 100% responsive blogger templates design to help your readers to gain access to your blog or website on any device.   DEMO & DOWNLOAD Groovy is among one of the finest Free Blogger Templates with their professional skills of development and designing best blogger templates. This template has a premium fashion magazine design, which gives a overall clean & elegant style. It is a 100% responsive blogger templates design to help your readers to gain access to your blog or website on any device.

Daisy Blogger Template

Daisy is exclusive, simple, clean, modern, professional and personal blogger template ideal for spreading stories. It’s totally responsive so it adapts to your style as well as the device it’s viewed on. This Template is best suited for sites that deliver news about Fashion, Craft, Beauty, Travel, Lifestyle, Recipe etc. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Daisy is exclusive, simple, clean, modern, professional and personal blogger template ideal for spreading stories. It’s totally responsive so it adapts to your style as well as the device it’s viewed on. This Template is best suited for sites that deliver news about Fashion, Craft, Beauty, Travel, Lifestyle, Recipe etc.

Tips Pulihkan Data ke Smartphone Android Baru

Data merupakan hal penting bagi pengguna smartphone. Terlebih jika ingin berganti smartphone, data menjadi prioritas utama yang perlu diselamatkan. Bagi pengguna Android sejatinya hal ini bisa diatasi dengan mem-backup data terlebih dahulu sebelum menggantinya. Hal pertama yang perlu dilakukan untuk mem-backup data smartphone Anda adalah membuka Setting dari home screen atau app drawer. Setelah itu navigasikan ke Backup and Reset, select Back up my data. Selajutkan, alihkan Back up my data ke posisi On, pilih Back ke Backup & Reset. Anda dapat mengecek bahwa akun Google yang benar terkait di Backup, kemudian alihkan restore Automatic ke On untuk mengembalikan setting dan data ketika menginstal aplikasi. Sekarang, Anda telah mengaktifkan layanan backup Android. Pengaturan sistem Anda dan data aplikasi akan secara otomatis disimpan ke Drive. Ketika beralih ke ponsel baru, Anda bisa mengandalkan layanan untuk mengembalikan pengaturan, aplikasi, dan data yang terkait. Bagaiman...

Lowongan Kerja Warung WKK Food Factory


Lowongan Marketing Lapangan PT. NSC Finance Makassar

Dibutuhkan marketing lapangan PT. NSC Finance Syarat: Pria/Wanita Pend. Min SMA Memiliki kendaraan pribadi Siap Bekerja dengan Target GAJI POKOK 1JT + Komisi Penjualan Syarat berkas: Fc ktp pelamar dan orang tua/wali Fc kk Fc ijazah terakhir Fc buku rekening Pas foto 3x4 1 lbr Silahkan antar lamaran ke : Jalan Gunung Bawakaraeng No.130 (Kantor Honda Motor NSS) (lantai 2)Depan Hotel Ramayana. Makassar Hub: Dila (082291804090)

Rose Blog

Rose Blog is inspired by the latest trends in web design, Rose Blog is an elegant Blogger beauty theme. With lots of active negative space, Rose Blog’s design helps guide eyes to your content. Use it for travel, fashion, lifestyle blogs or anything else you can think of. It’s super easy to customize. Give Rose Blog a try and we bet you’ll love it. DEMO & BUY Rose Blog is inspired by the latest trends in web design, Rose Blog is an elegant Blogger beauty theme. With lots of active negative space, Rose Blog’s design helps guide eyes to your content. Use it for travel, fashion, lifestyle blogs or anything else you can think of. It’s super easy to customize. Give Rose Blog a try and we bet you’ll love it.

Max Template Gallery

Max Template Gallery is a gallery style theme, specially designed for those bloggers who have interest to publish elegant design templates. Its a custom color completely SEO optimized blogger template embedded with many exciting and user-friendly features. Two colors on blog's name will set automatically. You'll have to use a space on blogs name to activate the color feature. It's a great feeling to announce that all bloggers, who are promoting other designer's templates can grab this theme for free. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Max Template Gallery is a gallery style theme, specially designed for those bloggers who have interest to publish elegant design templates. Its a custom color completely SEO optimized blogger template embedded with many exciting and user-friendly features. Two colors on blog's name will set automatically. You'll have to use a space on blogs name to activate the color feature. It's a great feeling to announce that all bloggers, ...