
NonameAMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages Blogger Template

NonameAMP  is a Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for Blogger Template. It's a simple design, just few seconds to load and get everything running. This temlate configurated and improved to be super SEO friendly, and so mobile-friendly too. VlettersAMP is responsive design, up to 230px of devices. This template is Premium Version. but you will get this template with  50% discount (4 USD)  for those who have purchased  Naname Template. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Features : Build With Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) HTML AMP Ready All Pages Mobile Friendly -  check Fully Responsive Design -  check Validated Structured Data -  check SEO Ready -  check Homepage Custom Post with Grid and List Slot Ads Ready For Adsense High CTR Respsive Ad Slot Build with HTML5 Build with CSS3 Support SSL/HTTPS Fast loading Advance Search Engine Optimization AMP Social Share Button Auto resize thumbnail image Disqus Comment Ready Custom Popular Po...

Spesifikasi LG V30 Penantang Samsung Galaxy Note 8

Baru-baru ini LG V30 telah menampilkan teaser yang memperlihatkan bagian bawah dari flagship terbaru besutan LG tersebut. Dalam teaser tersebut diperlihatkan bahwa LG V30 akan hadir dengan layar melengkung pada sisi kiri dan kanannya dan juga akan hadir dengan bezel yang sangat tipis layaknya flagshipsebelumnya LG G6. Kini, sebuah render telah muncul yang memberikan tampilan bagaimana penampakan LG V30 secara utuh. Dilansir dari GSM Arena, Jumat (4/8/2017), tampilan render full ini memperlihatkan desain LG V30 dengan layar FullVision dan dengan bezel tipis layaknya G6 ataupun S8. FullVision sendiri adalah sebutan dari LG untuk layarnya yang memanjang dengan rasio layar 18:9 atau 2:1. Wallpaper dalam render yang memperlihatkan LG V30 secara utuh ini diketahui menggunakan wallpaper lama dari Apple iPhone. Render ini memang tidak berasal secara resmi dari LG namun diperkirakan render tersebut akan sama dengan versi aslinya. LG sendiri akan menghadirkan V30 dengan layar seluas...

Fooddy Blogger Template

Fooddy Blogger Template is a beautiful Food Blogger theme. With this theme you can create NOT ONLY food blogs, but any type of blog you want – personal, travel, publishing or tutorial blog sites. You can also use the theme as just a food / lyfestyle blog, online cookbook or recipe website. Fooddy Blogger Template provides excellent User Experience and Structured data markup, that will boost your SEO. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Fooddy Blogger Template  is a beautiful Food Blogger theme. With this theme you can create NOT ONLY food blogs, but any type of blog you want – personal, travel, publishing or tutorial blog sites. You can also use the theme as just a food / lyfestyle blog, online cookbook or recipe website. Fooddy Blogger Template provides excellent User Experience and Structured data markup, that will boost your SEO.

Auroramagz Responsive Blogger Template

Auroragmagz is my first template that supports RTL, besides this RTL support template is also compatible with some browsers, such as Mozilla, Chrome. Edge, Internet Explorer, and Opera. Auroragmagz is perfect for sites that Disqus news, magazine or blog. Besides that also already available some slots for your provider advertise. This template is different from other template magazines because besides the super modern appearance of Loading it anyway pretty fast. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Featured : Suport RTL Responsive Seo Friendly 3 Columb Home Page Primary Menu Left / Right Menu Featured Search Box Comment Disqus Load more posts Breadcrumbs Related Posts Recent Posts Social Share sticky Back to top More...

Cara Gampang Membuat Foto Split Underwater

Salah satu moment yang tak boleh dilewatkan saat berlibur tentunya adalah mengabadikan foto selama berkegiatan. Tak hanya menjadi sarana dokumentasi pribadi, foto yang diambil saat liburan juga kerap diunggah pula ke media sosial. Karenanya, foto yang dihasilkan selalu diupayakan untuk dapat tampil menarik dan berbeda dari biasanya. Salah satu tren fotografi yang kini tengah digandrungi para pelancong saat berlibur, terutama di wilayah pantai adalah split underwater. Salah satu hal yang tak boleh dilewatkan saat berlibur tentunya adalah mengabadikan foto selama berkegiatan. Tak hanya menjadi sarana dokumentasi pribadi, foto yang diambil saat liburan juga kerap diunggah pula ke media sosial. Karenanya, foto yang dihasilkan selalu diupayakan untuk dapat tampil menarik dan berbeda dari biasanya. Salah satu tren fotografi yang kini tengah digandrungi para pelancong saat berlibur, terutama di wilayah pantai adalah split underwater. Adapun cara mudah menghasilkan foto sp...


ICO participants contribute to the success of Royal Kingdom Enterprise projects and can help publicize the sale of RKC ring tones in order to raise awareness in the wider community by enabling early liquidity of RKC tokens. In order to promote the RKC ICO we have prepared a reward campaign so that the participants can help us talk with the community about Royal Kingdom Coin and the advantages of participating in the ICO. Therefore, the more people who join ICO, the better are the trading opportunities of the Token when  the official opening of the trading takes place after ICO closes. A strategy that directly reflects the speculation that generates supply and demand, exponentially increasing the value of the RKC token. Royal Kingdom Enterprise has reserved 0.1% of the total RKC Tokens, i.e 15,000 (fifteen thousand tokens) for this initiative. Some actions are required in order to participate in the reward campaign: 1 ° Register at the Venture Kingdom Platform ...

Liberty Responsive Blogger Template

Liberty Responsive Blogger Template is a 3 column blogger template, specially for made for better ad placement. Liberty focus on Multi-Purpose Responsive Creative design Template that can use all kind of Business sites. Homepage designed for multi purpose, Authority blogs, Agency, Apps, Architect, Bakery, Boxed, Border design, Business, Charity, College, Construction, Corporate, Education, Hosting, Industry, Magazine, Medical, Personal, Portfolio, Restaurant, School, Shop, Travel, University, Wedding etc. The design can attach the people for improving your brand. Simplicity and Colorful web makes you a classy business to Intimate relation to your readers. You’re also digging up Responsive featured post and responsive design that can be world class enormous experience for your current visitors and readers. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Liberty Responsive Blogger Template  is a 3 column blogger template, specially for made for better ad placement. Liberty focus on Multi-Purpose Re...