
New Spread Blogger Template

New Spread Blogger Template is a stylish and highly customizable Blogger theme. It is clean, modern and simple and it’s perfect for fashion, lifestyle, travel or personal blog. Installing and customizing this theme is very easy. All required information are provided in the documentation. Purchasing this product means you get our full support as well. We love helping out our customers and can’t wait for your inquiries and feedback! DEMO & DOWNLOAD New Spread Blogger Template  is a stylish and highly customizable Blogger theme. It is clean, modern and simple and it’s perfect for fashion, lifestyle, travel or personal blog. Installing and customizing this theme is very easy. All required information are provided in the documentation. Purchasing this product means you get our full support as well. We love helping out our customers and can’t wait for your inquiries and feedback!

Typography Simple Blogger Template

Typography Simple Blogger Template is a text based Minimal Blogger Template created for bloggers that just want to write, without the hassle of looking for the right images. It has a unique design based on beautiful typography which will make your website look good with or without images. Simply write your content and publish – Typography will handle the rest. We strongly focused on the content and readability because they’re obviously important for all website owners, and, of course, the theme is very optimized for better SEO results and high-speed guaranteed. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Typography Simple Blogger Template  is a text based Minimal Blogger Template created for bloggers that just want to write, without the hassle of looking for the right images. It has a unique design based on beautiful typography which will make your website look good with or without images. Simply write your content and publish – Typography will handle the rest. We strongly focused on the co...

MagOne News Blogger Template

MagOne News Blogger Template is a clean stylish magazine responsive blogger template that allows you to focus on content including technology, games, travel destinations, films, blogger magazines, technology etcs. With an attractive color combination and impressed professionals and has many features. With a focus on reducing bounce rates, while increasing ad exposure, this theme will keep your visitors scrolling with more content all while maximizing your ad revenue! If you are looking for Magazine style blogger template then this is best option for you. DEMO & DOWNLOAD MagOne News Blogger Template  is a clean stylish magazine responsive blogger template that allows you to focus on content including technology, games, travel destinations, films, blogger magazines, technology etcs. With an attractive color combination and impressed professionals and has many features. With a focus on reducing bounce rates, while increasing ad exposure, this theme will keep your visi...

Mitsubishi Expander Mirip Pajero Sport, Harga Rp. 189 jutaan

Mitsubishi akhirnya memperkenalkan kepada publik wujud dari Expander, produk baru di segmen Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV) di Indonesia. Mobil ini digadang-gadang bakal menjadi penantang kuat dari Avanza, Xenia, Mobilio, hingga Ertiga. Meski nama Expander sudah menggaung, akan tetapi Mitsubishi masih belum mau menyebut nama asli dari mobil yang versi purwarupanya bernama XM Concept. Jenama asal Jepang itu berjanji akan mengumumkannya pada debut resmi di ajang Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS), yang diselenggarakan dari tanggal 10-20 Agustus 2017 mendatang. Jika dicermati desain Mitsubishi Expander sangat mirip dengan Pajero Sport. Namun kali ini hadir dalam bentuk mini. Hal itu terlihat mulai dari bonnet dinamic shield, meliputi grille memanjang plus lampu LED yang diteruskan ke sudut pilar A. Dari sudut depan menyamping, kehadiran nuansa Pajero kembali benar-benar kentara, dipertegas dengan bentuk lekuk bodi dari bawah spion hingga lampu belakang. Termasuk f...

Everyday Blogger Template

EveryDay Blogger Template is a clean, simple and easy-to-use news & magazine Blogger Template that is built for you to create your own pages exactly as you want. It is specially designed for any kind of newspaper, blog, magazine, portaland personal type website. We strongly focused on the content and readability because they’re obviously important for all website owners, and, of course, the theme is very optimized for better SEO results and high-speed guaranteed. DEMO & DOWNLOAD EveryDay Blogger Template  is a clean, simple and easy-to-use news & magazine Blogger Template that is built for you to create your own pages exactly as you want. It is specially designed for any kind of newspaper, blog, magazine, portaland personal type website. We strongly focused on the content and readability because they’re obviously important for all website owners, and, of course, the theme is very optimized for better SEO results and high-speed guaranteed.

Trendy Travel Blogger Template

Trendy Travels Blogger Template is a fast loading travellers blogger template. mainly focused for those blogger who loves to travel and roam freely. It is completely Responsive and will adjust its width according to device screen size. It offers the best solution for travel, adventure, OOTD, Fashion, Lifestyle, Personal blog, Diary Entry kind of blogs. Trendy Travel comes with 2 column layout given which is SEO optimised to come up in SERP as fast as possible. This is a clean blogger template which has Featured Carousel Gallery for upto 8 posts. It automatically chooses what to display - Image Gallery or Image Carousel. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Trendy Travels Blogger Template  is a fast loading travellers blogger template. mainly focused for those blogger who loves to travel and roam freely. It is completely Responsive and will adjust its width according to device screen size. It offers the best solution for travel, adventure, OOTD, Fashion, Lifestyle, Personal blog, Diary ...

Indizmag Valid AMP Responsive Blogger Template

Accelerated Mobile Pages merupakan projek baru yaitu AMP HTML. AMP HTML atau Accelerated Mobile Pages HTML adalah struktur web yang meminimalisir penggunaan JavaScript, CSS dan HTML. Visi dari AMP HTML adalah agar webmaster bisa merancang halaman web yang loading cepat, tanpa banyak pengaruh JS atau lainnya. AMPHTML memprioritaskan pengguna Web Mobile. Untuk CSS tidak ada perubahan apapun, untuk HTML ada sedikit struktur berbeda dalam penulisan, diantaranya seperti tag img atau video menjadi amp-img dan amp-video. Berikut Indizmag Valid AMP Responsive Blogger Template kang Basri Batindas yang pastinya tidak gratis alias premium, tetapi fitur cukup lengkap. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Fitur premium template tersebut berikut : 1. Valid AMP HTML 2. Resposnive 3. Seo Friendly 4. Top Navigation 5. Menu menggunakan Sticky 6. Auto Readmore 7. Page Error 404 8. Post Parallax 9. Social Share 10. Comments Disqus 11. More..