
Sora Article Blogger Template

Sora Article Blogger Template is a minimal Theme designed for blogger. It provides many features that blogger will love it. Sticky post, Social share in each post, many post formats such as Video, Audio, Soundcloud(audio), Gallery as grid or slider or column, Quote, Aside. Sora Article Blogger Template is a minimal Theme designed for blogger. It provides many features that blogger will love it. Sticky post, Social share in each post, many post formats such as Video, Audio, Soundcloud(audio), Gallery as grid or slider or column, Quote, Aside. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Sora Article Blogger Template is a minimal Theme designed for blogger. It provides many features that blogger will love it. Sticky post, Social share in each post, many post formats such as Video, Audio, Soundcloud(audio), Gallery as grid or slider or column, Quote, Aside.

Sense Blogger Template

Sense Blogger Template is a fresh, modern and easy-to-use magazine blogger theme with flexible and responsive layout. Sense is suitable for any kind of personal, travel, hobby, life style and tutorial blog etc. Installing and customizing this free blogger template is very easy. All required informations are provided in documentation. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Sense Blogger Template  is a fresh, modern and easy-to-use magazine blogger theme with flexible and responsive layout. Sense is suitable for any kind of personal, travel, hobby, life style and tutorial blog etc. Installing and customizing this free blogger template is very easy. All required informations are provided in documentation.

Treasury Blogger Template

Treasury Blogger Template is all purpose Blogging blogger theme which can be used for all your blogs like travel, food, life, programming, everyday, fashion and everything you want to blog about. On top of this, great and friendly support makes your website setup experience completely smooth! Treasury Magazine design is excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, article and editorial publishing or review and rating site. It uses the best clean SEO practices, and on top of that, it’s fast, simple, and easy to use. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Treasury Blogger Template is all purpose Blogging blogger theme which can be used for all your blogs like travel, food, life, programming, everyday, fashion and everything you want to blog about. On top of this, great and friendly support makes your website setup experience completely smooth! Treasury Magazine design is excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, article and editorial publishing or review and rating site. It uses the best clean SE...

Sora Buzz Blogger Template

Sora Buzz Blogger Template is a Viral magazine blogger theme, that lets you launch a fully functional buzz like site in no more than 24 hours. It comes with powerful sharing buttons, hot|popular|trending listings and multiple ad locations. Everything in a lightweight and easy-to-use package with Sora Buzz Blogger Template. Just browse the web, pick what’s hot, embed on your site and let it spread virally. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Sora Buzz Blogger Template is a Viral magazine blogger theme, that lets you launch a fully functional buzz like site in no more than 24 hours. It comes with powerful sharing buttons, hot|popular|trending listings and multiple ad locations. Everything in a lightweight and easy-to-use package with Sora Buzz Blogger Template. Just browse the web, pick what’s hot, embed on your site and let it spread virally.

Fenix Portfolio Blogger Template

Fenix Portfolio Blogger Template is a new and simple Blogger Theme designed and developed for people who want to expose their personal Projects, Photographs. Has an design ultra-simple, modern, intuitive and ready for mobile devices. It is easy to use for customer doesn’t know programming. The Fenix Portfolio Blogger Template is designed with modern look and feel while keeping in mind to make it user friendly and eye catching so that people using it can get the best out of their website. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Fenix Portfolio Blogger Template is a new and simple Blogger Theme designed and developed for people who want to expose their personal Projects, Photographs. Has an design ultra-simple, modern, intuitive and ready for mobile devices. It is easy to use for customer doesn’t know programming. The Fenix Portfolio Blogger Template is designed with modern look and feel while keeping in mind to make it user friendly and eye catching so that people using it can get the best out...

Replay Blogger Template

Replay Blogger Template is music categories blogger themes with great feature like gray color with combination black color for main background this themes, simple style themes and 3 columns layout, feature music widget at top sidebar, 1 right sidebar at single post, auto thumbnail post at homepage, ads space ready, fast themes on browser and you can try this great themes for music or photography sites. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Replay Blogger Template is music categories blogger themes with great feature like gray color with combination black color for main background this themes, simple style themes and 3 columns layout, feature music widget at top sidebar, 1 right sidebar at single post, auto thumbnail post at homepage, ads space ready, fast themes on browser and you can try this great themes for music or photography sites.

Fast Blog Blogger Template

Fast Blog Blogger Template is a sleek and elegant blogger template perfect to create professional blog with ease. It is fully responsive, widget ready and has many powerful features. The Fast blog template is excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine or publishing site. It uses the best clean SEO practices, and on top of that, it’s fast, simple, and easy to use. In addition, Fast blog supports responsive Google Ads and Adsense.  Loaded with useful widgets it has beautiful social sharing options, carefully crafted elements create a perfect and harmonious blog for you, making it the perfect choice from a simple blog to a big, content heavy news portal. Fast blog is loaded with features, and has powerful customization options. Fast blog is loaded with lots of professional and useful widgets like Featured Post, Popular Post, Multilevel Dropdown Menu/Mega menu, Email Subscription and many more. DEMO & DOWNLOAD Fast Blog Blogger Template is a sleek and elegant blogg...