
Showing posts with the label Pengetahuan

5 Strategies to Adjust and Thrive During Daylight Savings

Making the Most of Time Change: โ€5 Strategies to Adjust and Thrive During Daylight Savings. Understanding time change and its effects Time change is a biannual event that affects millions of people around the world. It refers to the practice of adjusting the clock forward or backward by one hour, typically in spring and fall. This adjustment has a significant impact on our daily routines and can disrupt our sleep patterns and overall well-being. When does time change? Important dates to remember It's important to stay informed about the dates of the time change to ensure a smooth transition. In the year 2023, the time change will occur on the following dates: ยท          Spring Forward: March 12th, 2023 ยท          Fall Back: November 5th, 2023 Mark these dates on your calendar so that you can prepare yourself mentally and physically for the time change. The history and purpose of daylight savi...

A Synopsis of Diamond History

As diamond history is as rich in mythology and folklore as it is in physical facts and records, it differs widely according on the source of documentation. People have been fascinated by the romance and beauty that surround our most valuable gemstones, diamonds, throughout history. Diamond history is one that is full with mythological stories, such as one where snakes guarded a kingdom full of diamonds. History of early Diamonds India was the location of the first known diamond history, which dates back almost 3,000 years. Prior to this time, no documented records of the discovery of diamonds exist. Nowadays, there are just two main uses for diamonds, which is completely different from the reasons we still fall in love today's gems. Diamonds were prized for their ability to reflect light and were used as talismans to ward off evil spirits and offer protection during battle. Historical Dark Ages of Diamonds The history of diamonds began to shift toward some type of medical use d...

A Synopsis of Hypnosis's Past

There is proof of hypnotic-like occurrences in numerous ancient societies. When the author of Genesis claims that God put Adam "into a deep sleep" so that He might remove his rib and construct Eve, it is clear that he is familiar with the anesthetic potential of hypnosis. According to other historical accounts, the Delphic Oracle and ancient Egyptian rituals both included hypnosis (Hughes and Rothovius, 1996). The history of hypnosis as we know it now began in the late 1700s, when a French physician named Anton Mesmer rekindled interest in the subject. Franz Anton Mesmer was born in Vienna in 1734 and died in 1815. Hypnosis is credited to Mesmer as its founder. He is known for coining the term "mesmerism," which described the method of putting someone into a trance by repeatedly passing his hands or magnets over them. He used the animal magnetism (psychic and electromagnetic forces) of the subject. Despite his tremendous success in healing a number of illnesses, the...

6 Gedung Pencakar Langit Tertinggi di ASEAN

Pencakar langit adalah istilah buat menjelaskan suatu bangunan yang sangat tinggi. Sebuah konvensi di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa telah menjabarkan batasan minimal ketinggian gedung yang bisa disebut sebagai pencakar langit, yaitu 150 meter (490 kaki). Beberapa bangunan dengan ketinggian yang lebih pendek terkadang bisa juga disebut sebagai pencakar langit jika bangunan itu mendominasi daerah di sekitarnya. pemakaian kata pencakar langit untuk menyebutkan bangunan tinggi pertama kali digunakan pada akhir abad ke-19, mewakili ketakjuban masyarakat pada gedung-gedung tinggi yang dibangun di Kota New York. Sekarang ini, Burj Khalifa adalah pencakar langit tertinggi di dunia yang mempunyai ketinggian 828 meter dan terletak di Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab. sedangkan, Hong Kong menempati posisi pertama di dunia sebagai kota yang paling banyak memiliki pencakar langit daripada kota-kota lainnya. Hong Kong telah memiliki lebih dari 7.500 pencakar langit. Per November 2021, hanya tiga belas kota di...


BUKU RAPOR SMP BERDASARKAN KURIKULUM 2013   Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 66 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Penilaian Pendidikan menyebutkan bahwa hasil penilaian oleh pendidik dan satuan pendidikan dilaporkan dalam bentuk nilai dan deskripsi pencapaian kompetensi kepada orang tua dan pemerintah.             Standar Penilaian Pendidikan pun menyebutkan bahwa laporan hasil penilaian oleh pendidik berbentuk: 1.   Nilai dan deskripsi pencapaian kompetensi untuk hasil penilaian kompetensi pengetahuan serta keterampilan termasuk penilaian hasil pembelajaran tematik-terpadu. 2. Deskripsi sikap diberikan untuk hasil penilaian kompetensi sikap spiritual dan sikap sosial. 3. Penilaian oleh masing-masing pendidik secara keseluruhan dilaporkan kepada orang tua/wali peserta didik dalam bentuk Laporan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik.         ...